A Glimpse Into the Psychic World
Now that I no longer work for any on line psychic company, I want to talk about some of the things that go on with these companies. There are two very large companies that have psychics working for them. These psychics are considered sub-contractors and are responsible for their own taxes. Since these companies do not send out 1099 at the end of the year, they basically are telling their sub-contractors declare as much or as little as you want to the federal government.
y doing this, these companies can also declare as much or as little profit to the government.
Although there are many sites online for people to get psychic readings, most are part of these two companies. A reading on - yahoo for example, is really connecting to one of these two sites. I remember there was a company that offered 99 cent readings. This was part of one of these companies. It had 'new' psychics working on there for them to get clients who would then be transferred to the main company.
The companies charge anywhere from 40% on up when someone calls a psychic. As I have stated over and over again, there are no regulations or guidelines for psychics. Anyone and everyone can claim to be psychic. All these people have to do is agree with what the caller is asking about and give positive feedback. It does not matter if this is the truth because most of these so called psychics would not recognize the truth if it bit them in the butt.
Hollywood made a big deal about soul mates. Now almost every one of these psychics have something saying how they will be able to connect you to your soul mate - just call them for the ridiculous amount of money they charge per minute. Are you interested in someone that is married and has children? No problem, that person will definitely leave their family to be with you forever. Just to make sure, the 'psychic' will use a 'love spell' on that person.
Spells do not work. Candles do not work. Curses only work if the person whom the curse is put on believes in them. Subconsciously the cursed person is making the curse work. All three of these are a bunch of garbage.
People also call psychics to find out their future. We make our future. The choices we make today affect our tomorrows. There are no easy answers. There is nothing that can be done to reverse previous choices. There are no spells that can reverse time, although I have seen where psychics claim this can be done, for a price.
Some of these companies have spyware. Anyone that calls one of these companies and 'chats' automatically has downloaded this spyware onto their computers. There are soldiers that still call these companies, although the military has forbidden their computers to be used in this manner. This gives the company access to military information. We are now talking about troop movement, logistics, and military plans.
There are callers that are mentally ill. They steal from family to pay for calls to psychics. The psychics probably know this, but a buck is a buck and how they get it does not bother them.
I have seen where some so called psychics claim to have predicted events. This is because they have seen where true psychics have put predictions on line. When these predictions come true, others immediately claim to have said the same thing. No one checks if this is true. They just automatically believe it.
I am thinking of one specific 'psychic'. This woman charges something like $7. a minute and she does not know her butt from her elbow. The word 'psycho' should be used in front of her name. This woman claims to be a top psychic, and tells people what they want to hear. She also makes it a habit to say negative things about any psychic she knows is real. She has been listed on scam sites for years, but people still call her.
http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff181894.htm This is for anyone that wishes to read about psychic scams.
I have mentioned groups before. Any psychic that belongs to a group keeps notes on every caller. Anyone in the group can access these notes. If the same person calls another in the group, the second psychic amazingly knows everything about the caller.
If anyone is interested, go to any psychic website and check out what hype the psychics are writing. Automatically discount any psychic that mentions spells, candles, etc. Next, discount any that mention help with love life. Also ignore any that claim to be a top psychic. See how many are left on these sites.
The companies that run these sites know most of their so called psychics are phony. It does not matter. As long as they make money from lonely, confused, unwary people, they will continue to allow it to go on.
If anyone reading this feels as I do, that something must be done to start protecting innocent people from some of these scam artists, call or write to the Federal Trade Commission. If enough people demand an investigation it will happen. We stopped Ms. Cleo. We can clean up this mess also.
my book - Psychics, Psychos and Positive Energy will soon be available
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