March 09, 2008

Figuring Out If A Psychic Is Good?

Unfortunately, there is no easier answer to this. As every person have their different needs when consulting a psychic. But there are some general rules of thumb to go by.

Compassionate and caring, does the psychic compassionate with your situations? Now this doesn’t mean when a psychic gives you an answer you don’t like, that the psychic is bad. Sometimes the best possible answer a psychic can give during a readings is a truthful straight forward answer. But it should always be done from the heart and in helping you to achieve happiness and joy.

Are they always telling you what you want to hear? Many times psychics are afraid to tell the truth. Thus some psychics will tell you what you want to hear, so you will not leave the psychic a bad rating or be upset. One way to tell this is happening is if a psychic always tells you the outcome you want to hear. Another way is to evaluate it and then watch what happens. If the outcome is contradictory of what you were told would happen and the outcome that was told was basically agreeing with wha tyou wanted then there could be cause for concern. Keep in mind psychics are never 100% accurate when giving a psychic reading. So, when looking for a psychic advisor it might take more than one psychic reading to figure out if this psychic advisor is for you. After all you are looking for a special psychic advisor that will help you in your time of need and that is always a unique and different experience for each one of you.

Are they honest and truth? Does the psychic advisor tell you the truth even though psychic advisor knows it will upset you or isn’t something you want to hear? This is a mark of a good psychic advisor. You want them to tell you the truth. After all you don’t want to pay some glorified psychic 3.99 or more a minute for a psychic reading to blow sunshine up your butt and be wrong.

Is the psychic advisor offering to cast spells or prayers on your behalf towards another human being? Often times you have psychics advisors that do dabble in this area. There is nothing wrong with it. However, be careful with this. Oftentimes the universe is made in a way that very few of us can literally affect the free will of another human being. While energy work can be done by a energy worker, be mindful of anyone who gaurantees you results if you pay some big amount.

Is the psychic advisor fishing for information or asking questions that lead you to telling the psychic advisor more about the situation before the psychic gives a detailed psychic impression? Good psychics will always ask your question and identifying information (such as birthday, where you live) inorder to hone in on the specific details that you are wanting to know about for the reading. However, many psychics will give a vague general reading and then try and fish out information from you about the situation. And based on the information that you give them they will tailor the response to give you want you want to hear instead of giving you what they see (if anything at all). Be wary of this type of psychic. While sometimes it is helpful for the psychic to know a little bit more if they are getting conflicting or disjointed information. They should be able to offer some details before trying to create a whole picture for you.

Now there are many other areas that people ask the psychic advisors to go. Some people just want purely psychic reading. Other people want psychic reading with spiritual guidance. The latter is what I want to talk about next.

When you are searching for someone to not only tell you the psychic impressions about the situation but also to help guide you so you can achieve a more happier, healthier, joyful life there are general rules of thumb.

Are they telling you what to do? If a spiritual advisor is telling you how to live your life, they are not empowering you. Rather the spiritual advisor is trying to fix your life which doesn’t do you ultimately any good. You want a psychic that will help you figure out what way you want to go and what type of life you want to live.

Empower, does the psychic help empower you in your situation? A good spiritual advisor will help you to stand within your own power and to be confident in your self and your decision. So as you navigate this experience you are doing so from the drivers seat making the decisions and not giving your power away to other people in the situation.

This important becuase you want to develop independences so eventually you can trust your own intuition and perception about the direction you should take.

Do they offer you different ways of looking at the situation? A good spiritual advisor will always be able to help you see it from all sides. This way you have all the necessary information mentally and emotionally about all parties concerned for you to make an informed well grounded decision.

Do they over identify with your situation? Does the spiritual advisor over identify with your situation and act as if they go through the same thing all the time. They do this by equating your situation with one of their own. Thus giving advice based off there experience instead of based of your experience? This is a fine line to walk for advisors as sometimes they might have some wisdom that they realized through a similar experience in life that they wish to share. But you need to make sure they share it in a way that is pertaining to your situation and empowering you and helping you to see things in a different way.

By Angela Law

You can visit to find out more about the psychic phenomenon by visiting our spiritual wisdom section or to find an ethical, trusted, talented, compassionate psychic advisor.

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