March 13, 2008

How To Become A Psychic And Explode Your MLM Business

Have you seen those psychics on TV or late night commercials? They seemingly have these amazing powers to forecast a persons future and know exactly about somebodys past. But did you also know that these so called psychics are also masters of cold reading and human psychology?

Yup it is true. According to wikipedia, cold readers commonly employ high probability guesses about the subject, quickly picking up on signals from their subjects as to whether their guesses are in the right direction or not, and then emphasizing and reinforcing any chance connections the subjects acknowledge while quickly moving on from missed guesses. They get into the mindset of the person by looking at their body language, clothing, etc.

How can you use that for your multi-level business? Well, like a so called psychic, if you know the psychology of the business opportunity seeker, know how to write a great advertisement that hits their emotional points, then voila! they will come to you like fly on honey.

In other words you become a cold reader of business opportunity seekers. You already know that business opportunity seekers all want more money, they generally want to work from home, and they love the idea of residual income, etc.

If you can address those important emotional points in your ad and prospects are interest in your offer, they will contact YOU for more information. Congratulations! You automatically weeded out the lookers from the non-lookers! Simply AMAZING!

It is easier said than done of course, but most MLMers spend the bulk of their time with face to face, belly to belly prospecting. Which in my opinion is very ineffective.

Why not write a great ad, expose it through a media outlet like a magazine, newspaper, etc., and those who are truly interested will be finding YOU, instead of the other way around. Even better, why dont you use online advertising and get your business exposed at a much faster rate?

Think about it, if you expose your business to 1000 biz op seekers instead of randomly walking up to a 1000 strangers and try to force your opportunity on them, you will save yourself a lot of stress, and a lot of time!

So be a psychic and get into the psychology of your target audience write a great ad that addresses the concerns of business opportunity and watch your downline grow! If you are a shy person, doing this option will be even better for you.

By Alan Quan

Alan Quan used to be an MLM failure despite following the outdated advice from his old-fashioned upline. He soon leveraged the power of the internet for network marketing, and the rest is history. Visit and find out how he can teach qualified individuals how to make $7617 PER DAY with the internet WITHOUT MLM.

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