March 03, 2008

How to Tell if Your Psychic Reading Is Genuine

A psychic reading can change your life - but not necessarily in positive ways. The key to protecting yourself from inaccurate readings is to listen to the reading - not with your head; not with your emotions. Listen with your gut.

How to Listen With Your Gut

Have you ever noticed that when something feels off during your day, you get a tightening in the area just below your stomach? It's a common physiological response to danger. And it's not to be ignored.

When you get a Tarot card reading, a palm reading, or any kind of metaphysical advice, you will notice that tightening in your gut if the advice is wrong or harmful. Many people feel that gut tightening and ignore it, giving their personal power over to the Tarot or the psychic. Instead, be aware of that feeling. It means the psychic reading is not genuine.

In all fairness, a talented psychic can only be accurate part of the time. Even the most gifted and spiritual readers make mistakes. If they didn't, they wouldn't be human. So if you sense that your reading is inaccurate, it just means to let it go; leave the psychic's table; try again another time.

How to Spot a Psychic Scam

On the other hand, there are scam psychics out there. How can you tell if your new psychic is for real? Here are some scam techniques to watch for:

  • The psychic spends a great deal of time on un-provable details. He or she may open the reading with names of your personal animal spirits or guardian angels, which is fine if it's brief - but a red flag if it goes on and on.
  • The psychic talks about you, your traits, or your future in ways that just don't make sense. If you're an introverted, married with children, computer programmer, watch out if the psychic tells you to pack for a trip to Paris next week. Use your common sense.
  • The psychic describes the future in generalized or obvious terms. A psychic telling a young single woman that she's about to meet a guy - well, that's probably true, but the young woman could get that same information from her best girlfriend.
  • The psychic says things about your current life that are simply wrong. By itself, it doesn't mean he or she is scamming you. The psychic could be having a bad day herself - perhaps she's not feeling well, or maybe she came to the reading from an argument with her husband and was unable to clear that energy away. In any case, if she or he is outright inaccurate, you should take the rest of the reading with a grain of salt.
  • Be aware, too, of psychics who charge a major fortune. Yes, many of the famous psychics charge a shocking amount, but that's a supply and demand issue. Your local personal psychic needs to earn a decent living, but he or she doesn't need to over charge.

Computer Generated Readings

If you're getting a computer generated reading, you don't have to worry about the interference of the human element. Still, if the reading seems foreign to you - if, for instance you get a reading that indicates marriage in the near future and you're agoraphobic, simply trash that reading and start again. Most free computer readings let you start over with the push of a button. At Psychic Tea Shoppe, for instance, you can simply click your mouse over the Get Another Reading button, and you're good to go.

What to Do If You Don't Like Your Reading

Never be afraid to stop a reading before it's over, and politely leave. If it's a face-to-face, you still need to pay the agreed-upon amount. And you still need to behave graciously. But you do need to get up and go, if that's what your gut is telling you.

For more details on making your psychic reading a great experience, check out the article How to Get Your Best Online Psychic Reading.

Stick With Positive, Helpful Psychic Readers

On a positive note, if you find your psychic through a friend, or word-of-mouth in your community, she or he is probably going to be excellent. The scammers give genuine psychics a bad image, but there are lots of sincere, gifted readers out there; psychics who can make a beneficial difference in your life. Find these genuine psychics, and stick with them. Once you've been to her a few times, then you can believe it if she says you're going to Paris - because she's proven herself accurate in your past readings.

By Suzann Kale

Suzann has a Bachelor of Science degree in Communications from Northwestern University. She is a writer, and has worked as a professional Tarot reader. She runs the website Psychic Tea Shoppe.

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