March 06, 2008

Psychic Email Readings - Should I Get One or Not?

With the vast array of psychic reading opportunities now available, a whole new "breed" of reading has opened up in cyberspace - the psychic email reading! Let's take a closer look at what is involved and decide whether this is a good choice for you or not. Typically, the psychic will advertise on popular bulletin board services, social networking sites, or even mainstream sites like eBay. Craigslist has also become a popular place for email readings to be advertised. Now, at the risk of upsetting some people, I will tell you my honest opinion is to AVOID an email reading and opt for a more personalized consultation instead

Why? Well, for one, there are an abundance of good psychics who are available for one on one, personal interaction with you either by phone or in person. I also don't believe that there is enough "energy" (for lack of a better word )that can be exchanged through an email correspondence. To me, it feels impersonal, emotionless and absent the connection that I feel is important when attempting to really feel another person's spiritual essence or aura.

Now I know there are many well known psychics who do email readings, and I'm sure many of these are very good. The other problem I typically have with an email reading, is for it to be worthwhile, they are going to need to ask you for a lot of information by email, right? I mean, your email address has no psychic imprint, does it? So the information that you will provide to help the psychic procure the reading can actually be grounds for the client, after the fact, to question the veracity of the facts shared, even if they were very good. People are ALWAYS inherently skeptical of the reading, even if it's very good and accurate, invariably over time a good and smart client will attempt to reconstruct how the psychic was able to glean such good info! And if you are supplying identifiable information prior to the reading ( and I have yet to see an email reader worth his or her salt who didn't ask for SOME personal data up front ) my belief is you are just stoking the fire of skepticism, regardless of how talented you may be. For this reason, I usually recommend both consumers, and readers both at least get together on the telephone, ( or at the very minimum use Internet Messaging programs if there are no other choices rather than just email ) so that each party can get a comfort level, and feel for the other.

When the internet became a convenient vehicle for getting new clients, and providing value to people far away, there were many who were skeptical it would truly work for good psychics of character and high regard. That hurdle has been overcome, I do believe we can all agree! But a pure email reading, regardless of my own personal bias against it, I don't ever believe will be a viable solution for a service that is, in my opinion, so largely dependent on a live connection between two very real people. Nor would I want it to be!

By Amos Amsterdam

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