March 18, 2008

Psychic Healing

Psychic power is the ability to feel, understand and interpret a higher force using sixth sense or ESP (extra sensory perception). It is the power to use higher levels of energy to understand and interpret things, which are not seen or understood by normal people under normal conditions. Nearly everyone possesses psychic abilities to a degree. But some have more. These people are generally referred to as psychics, mediums, or fortunetellers.

Psychics use arts like astrology, numerology, intuition, clairvoyance, spirit guides, auras, spells and channeling. Other abilities include clairaudience, being able to hear or perceive sounds which are not normally audible, clairsentience, the art of knowing about an event- past, present or future, through a feeling and clairvoyance, the extrasensory perception of an event which does not related to the normal five senses.

On another level, divination is the art of giving a prophecy, prediction or foretelling the future by the act or practice of the occult arts. Hiero is described as scripting and automatic painting or drawing. Precognition allows a psychic to see forward in time while the art of prophesy involves predicting a future event under the influence of divine guidance.

Psychometrics derives power from knowledge of an object or a person connected with it by coming into contact and psycho kinesis is a commonly known ability to move objects with the mind. Remote viewing involves the ability to describe a person, place or thing without being in their presence, while telepathy is a mind-to-mind communication.

Psychic healing is very popular and is done using many techniques: mesmerism, necromancy, spiritual healing or Reiki, intuitive healing, Pranic healing, past life regression, absent healing/distance healing, faith healing, laying-on-of-hands healing, energy balancing, aura therapy and more.

Psychic healers channel energies from the inner soul and use this energy to re-energize a person with illness. This is done by replacing negative energies with positive energies. It realigns the chakras, or energy points within the body by calming the body and filling it with energy. It basically clears the mind of negativity and energizes it. Psychic healing may not entirely cure a person but it is said to speed up or complement the process of healing using conventional medicines. Psychic healing is based on the theory that the human body is perfectly capable of healing itself. It only requires will power and revival of internal energy to do so.

Psychic healing is used for ailments like cancer, anxiety, depression, tumors, phobias, and several other disorders. Psychic healing can also be done from a distance through phone. There are also psychic healers for animals. There are many psychic healers in the world. They can be contacted in person, by post, through phone or by e-mail. Generally, psychic healers charge a fee for healing. There are several websites over the Internet about psychic healers.

By Kristy Annely

Psychics provides detailed information about psychics, psychic readings, psychic medium, psychic healing and more. Psychics is the sister site of Phone Psychics.

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