March 23, 2008

A Psychic May Solve Your Money Problems

Jason Went From Desk Clerk to Business Leader

Jason was a college graduate in Montana during a severe recession. There were no jobs in his college own.

He took a clerk job at a small motel and tried to save money from his small paychecks. Jason was hoping to move to Seattle where he heard of better job prospects. But his small income only covered living expenses and he could not save money. Jason's parents had spent all their money on his education and they were in financial trouble themselves.

There was only one thing for Jason to do and that was to hitch a ride to Seattle and hope an employer would hire him immediately. This would be a desperate move because he had only $50 from his paycheck and no place to stay.

Jason needed to know the future. A friend of Jason paid for a Tarot Card reading by Psychic Rita Estelle. Rita Estelle told Jason to hitch a ride to Seattle and stay with a college friend for a month. Jason would be hired into a well-paying job within seven days. Jason made the move in faith.

After six days in Seattle, Jason ran out of money and was not hired. The friend who had hired the psychic Rita Estelle complained about the reading. But, Rita insisted the reading was correct.

At 3:30 PM of the 7th day, Jason sat next to the phone as time ran out. Suddenly the phone rang and a personnel manager asked Jason to immediately interview for a job. By 5:00 PM, Jason was hired into a well-paying job and reported for work the very next morning.

That experience was a few years ago. Jason is now a well-established and respected member of the business community in Seattle. Jason owes his success to the psychic Rita Estelle who foretold his future. Of course, Jason deserves credit for his extraordinary faith.

Martha Moved From a Poor Neighborhood to a Ritzy Neighborhood

Jason's psychic experience was not too different from the psychic experience of a woman named Martha. Her family was in the lower middle income bracket. They had been renting a house that was suddenly sold out from under them. Martha's family had 30 days to move into another house. But, they had no savings to cover the thousands of dollars needed for deposits and utility reconnection fees.

Martha made a radical decision to contact a psychic. Martha was very fortunate to have chosen psychic Rita Estelle instead of an amateur or charlatan. Rita has an extraordinary gift of remote viewing. This gift helped Martha identify the exact house she was to move into.

Rita Estelle traveled the streets of the city Martha lived in. Martha was able to remember the streets and buildings Rita saw in vision. So, both Rita Estelle and Martha moved together through the streets of the city. Rita led Martha to an expensive part of town that had a river view.

Martha protested by saying that her family could not afford to live in that neighborhood. Rita Estelle assured her that a particular house could be rented for only $200 a month. Rita said that she was in front of a blue-gray house that had not yet been put up for rent. The owner had just refurbished the house and was desperate to collect rent.

That very day Martha and her husband followed the path Rita Estelle had given in vision. They wound their way down to the river and arrived at a blue-gray house. A construction team was leaving. An elderly woman was sweeping up sawdust and plaster chips. This woman was the owner. She was very happy to hear that Martha's husband was a gardener and handyman. The owner offered the house for only $200 if Martha's husband landscaped the yard and worked as a handyman on other rentals. Plus, there was no deposit required and no utility reconnection fees.

When You Know The Future, You Can't Lose

Psychics can give excellent advice when a person has money problems. They are able to give excellent advice by virtue of foretelling the future. If there is one thing that can make the difference between wealth and poverty, it is the ability to tell the future. This ability takes the gamble out of decisions.

The Rich & Famous Have The Psychic Advantage

It has been said that billionaire businessmen like Donald Trump have psychics on retainer in order to advise about investments. Psychic counseling may be the advantage that successful businessmen have over unsuccessful businessman.

If the rich and famous are smart enough to use psychics, it makes sense that working people and small businessmen would be smart to do the same.

The rich have an advantage in finding gifted psychics. They can hire many psychics in order to sort through them and identify the truly gifted ones. These gifted psychics can provide the hard facts that businessmen need. There is no room for ambiguity when it comes to impatient businessmen.

How to Find A Real Psychic

The average person cannot afford to hire innumerable psychics in order to cull out the gifted ones. When a customer seeks psychic advice from a psychic company, he will probably have a psychic assigned to him who is not gifted. The reading may be a total waste of money. It may even result in a financial disaster.

If a psychic is truly gifted, she/he probably has a personal website and/or an office in a building. Her excellent reputation has translated into a steady income and financial independence. She would not work for a business that employees dozens of psychics. Chances are that people who work for such companies are not especially gifted psychics.

This is where I recommend psychic Rita Estelle. She has a record of successful readings that are testified to on her website at You do not need to go through a culling process in order to find a real psychic. You do not need to pay the prices charged to billionaire businessmen.

One of the reasons average people do not use psychic help is the vilification that psychics have suffered. It is true that there are many amateurs and charlatans in the psychic field. Some unscrupulous businessmen capitalize on the need the public has for psychics. They hire in people who do not have the psychic gift. These people read to customers from photocopied text that was carefully designed by corporate lawyers. These businessmen essentially trick customers into bogus readings and then use ruthless means to collect exorbitant fees.

A person would be wise to avoid psychic businesses like this and deal directly with an individual psychic like Rita Estelle.

The Honorable & Biblical History of Psychics

There is no good reason to vilify psychics. You should not think of them as fakes and hustlers. Psychics have an honored history. They are heroes in the Bible. In the Bible they are called high priests, prophets and wise men. Today, we call this same type of person a psychic or a Tarot Card reader.

Enoch was the first member of the occult. He was a genius who combined astronomy, astrology, geography, advanced mathematics, geometry and prophecy. God was so happy with the work Enoch did that the man was taken to Heaven.

The three magicians (magi) who visited baby Jesus were like Enoch. Today we would say they were members of the occult. They used their knowledge of astronomy, astrology and prophecy to recognize the birth date and place of Jesus Christ, the King of Kings.

Joseph was a psychic who interpreted dreams for Pharaoh. Pharaoh had other psychics but they were not privy to the dreams God was giving.

There were many prophets who served the nations of Israel and Judah. There seems to be two kinds of prophets. The highest order of prophets would be men who were spoken to by God. There was not any psychic gift involved. Lower orders of prophets are people who have psychic gifts.

A prophet named Baalim personified unscrupulous businessmen who exploit the psychic industry. Baalim used his psychic ability in order to get rich. He was torn by his greed for money and his obligation to serve God. This is the dilemma we observe in the psychic industry today. There are predators who find the psychic industry an easy way to hustle the public. You would be smart to avoid the hustle by using a real psychic like Rita Estelle. Then, stick with her.

The high priest was similar to a Tarot Card Reader. He used objects as the means to communicate with God. The high priest carried two gemstones called the Urim and Thummin. When the priest judged court cases, he held the divining stones in his fingers. God gave verdicts to the priest through the stones. This process is similar to the utilization of Tarot Cards.

Psychics may use crystal balls instead of Urim and Thummin gemstones. Other psychics use Tarot Cards in place of Urim and Thummin gemstones.

The early Church had many prophets and prophetesses. It is natural for any given group of people to have a few gifted prophets/prophetesses among them. In American society, the gift of prophecy has been vilified and suppressed. That is why prophets and prophetesses are not commonly serving congregations and communities.

At the end of the Bible, we read about three prophets who have a profound affect on world civilization. Bear in mind that John, the author of the Book of Revelation, was a man who could see the future in vision. If John were alive today, he might be called a psychic. Two of the prophets in Revelation are called the Two Witnesses. These are the good prophets. The other prophet is called the False Prophet. He is an evil man who uses trickery in order to come off as a real prophet. We can associate him with unscrupulous businessmen who employ charlatans. He advertises them to be real psychics.

The point is that gifted psychics are not villains. On the contrary, they are modern versions of honorable personages in the Bible. They are God's blessing to you if you will only utilize their supernatural abilities.

These modern-day prophets offer invaluable service to you by virtue of their ability to tell your future. When you know your future, you can not help but make wise decisions. You can win in romance, in love, on your job and in your business.

In my opinion, a psychic reading by a gifted psychic like Rita Estelle would be the wisest investment a person could make. When a person is having severe money problems, this is especially true. And a reading is affordable because the cost is pocket money to most people.

Excellent testimonials for Psychic Rita Estelle are at

Article by Brandy Connery,

(c) COPYRIGHT You can use this article but it cannot be changed. The identity of psychic Rita Estelle cannot be changed.

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