March 20, 2008

Psychic Reading By Telephone - Should I Try One or Not?

When searching a psychic it is always possible that the one that works best for you is not local or accessible for a face to face visit. Therefore, if after searching around your neighborhood for a reliable psychic only to fail - and if you are uncomfortable with an online reading, your next search should be for a psychic reading by telephone.

Okay - but is this even possible you are asking, right?

Well, first you need to understand how a reading can be done without being in the presence of the psychic. Psychics use intuition which is not bound by time or space. They see all people as always touching or connected. To them, there is no distance between you and them. From the sound of your voice, their intuition can pick up and connect to you immediately. In other words, where you might define a connection as hand to hand, or other " in - person" modes of contact, many very good pychics don't feel the same limitations that people with less developed sensitivities might.

With this being said - of course the thing to be careful of when using a psychic over the phone is the con-artists. Be sure that when you make the call it is ok to be on hold while waiting to connect to a psychic (many of these phone lines have many psychics working at the same time). However, if you continue to be on hold or connect to someone and then are put on hold again and again - this is a scam and you should hang up and not call back. If the psychic him/herself put you on hold in order to check something - or look at their tarot cards - hang up - they are not doing what they say. (If they are giving you a tarot reading - they should stay on the phone while doing so - it is not a process that takes that long to even put someone on hold.) You will be charged for the time you are connected - period. You do not nor should you pay for time that you are not even talking to someone. You should be connected almost immediately. Some services even have the psychic call you back. When you call the number your information is taken by an operator who then forwards those details and the kind of reading you are looking for to a psychic. If a psychic who does the precise reading you are searching for is not available at that time - the operator will give you an approximate time they will be free and when to expect their call. This is a great way of promoting a legit psychic reading by phone - because you are not on hold at any point and are getting the quality of service at the price given to you in advance.

If you choose to continue past the given amount of time (some calls have a limit of 20/30 minutes for a certain price), you should be told when that time is up and that to continue you will be charged "such a price". This gives you the control on whether you want to continue the reading and pay more. At this point you should know whether you are comfortable with the psychic - are they giving you correct information - are they doing so with care and respect? If so and you are comfortable with the price - than you may have found the psychic that you have been searching for. Congratulations!

By Amos Amsterdam

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