March 14, 2008

Psychic Readings Online - Tips on How to Get the Most Out of Your Readings

You've probably noticed that the most accurate, credible online psychics are also the most expensive. They offer a valuable service, after all, and have an overabundance of requests for their time. Here are some tips on getting the most out of those readings in the least amount of time, which means a better quality reading for less cost.

*Make a list of your questions.

Write down any questions you want to ask during the reading before you start. It's easy to forget important questions when you have so much new information being thrown at you from your reader. It's also helpful to jot down any questions you think of during the reading, so keep a paper and pen nearby during readings.

*Light a candle, brew some tea. Relax.

More often than not, when you get a psychic reading it's because you're having some kind of problem that is stressing you out. All that stress and frustration can actually block your psychic's flow and make it harder for them to read you. So try to get comfortable before your reading and you'll notice a marked increased in your psychic's ability to get connected.

*Let your energy flow.

Just as stress can lead to blocked energy and a stifled reading, a calm, meditative state can provide a flowing, more accurate reading. Release any negative energy you have pent up and focus on positive energy before and during your reading.

*Remove distractions.

This goes along with the "relax" tip above. Wait until your kids are napping or at school, turn off your TV, and then get your reading. You'll have a hard time listening to your psychic while chasing your four year old.

*Let your psychic know she's connected.

Yes, your psychic should be expected to actually be psychic and know things without you telling her. However, psychics occasionally pick up on the wrong people. For instance, if you're blocking your energy, but someone close to you is spewing out positive energy all over the place, there's a small chance your psychic could be picking up on someone else's energy. Just a simple "yes" will suffice.

*Ask for guidance.

When you get a psychic reading, your psychic is giving you information about the future IF you don't change your course of fate. We all have free will, so what happens when we get a reading and we don't like the outcome we hear? We change our path, and our fate changes with it. If you don't like your psychic's forecast for your future, ask her what steps you can take toward a different, more beneficial, path.

By Sylvia Markwood

Sylvia has been giving psychic readings for over 30 years. Read her remarkable testimonials and consult her directly at her virtual office or by email:

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