March 28, 2008

Spells, Scams and Other Nonsense

As I have mentioned previously, I work as an on-line psychic. I decided to write a book telling others what it is like to be so different from the rest of the world. 'Scotty beam me up' from the old Star Trek series was my motto. Aside from telling about being different, and negative people that claim to be psychics, I included actual e-mails in my book, Psychics, Psychos and Positive Energy, which some so called psychics have sent to people when they were trying to drum up more business. Here are a few of them. I have not changed any of the contents. All spelling and grammatical errors were in the original e-mails sent to prospective clients.

"Make Him / Her Desire Me In Every Way Spell -- If a certain person has caught your eye and you want them to want you, this spell can help. It makes the person of your choice suddenly have fantastic dreams, attractive feelings and various fantasies about you. One of the side effects to this spell is that it will also attract others to you. (Originally cast for $99.00) SALE: $46.00"

Here is another.

"Have you ever noticed how some people seem to have an aura about them? An allure so powerful that it's impossible to resist? It's as if an invisible force is pulling people closer and closer to them as if drawn by a magnet. We've all known such people. They have a powerful charisma that makes people want to be with them. And one more thing: they always seem to manage to end up on the winning end. These people are, indeed, blessed. And wouldn't it be nice if you could be one of them? That suddenly, others will be drawn to you and want to be close to you. And most of all, they want to be in your company because they have finally discovered the real you, the intelligent you, the kind, wonderful you. This spell is specifically designed for you, if: • You feel you are isolated, and you want that special person to love you, caress you, take care of you. • You know you are special. You just want others to notice it. • You want to be pursued - by that special person as well as friends, family and work associates. • You want to receive the recognition you so deserve. • You want to awaken each morning with the feeling you are going to be treated with love, respect, and kindness. The Love Magnet spell could be the first step - the most important step - you take this year in living the rest of your life in blissful happiness. "

I feel sorry for anyone that falls for the above hype. That person must be very lonely. Instead of looking within to change what others may shy away from, that person is looking for an easy answer which will not work.

Here is another gem. It is actual conversation the caller copied and pasted. I have removed the names but kept the entire conversation.

"there is some kind of negatively blocking you're both from one another an causing some dankness around this station..... " "ok so what can be done"

"well what needs to be done is you need to have this removed from you in order to look more into this an bring you an your soulmate closer to one another. i can help you if you allow me too. i need to go into medation for 3 to 9 days to see who or what is causing this an how have they done this to you an if this is someone doing this to you i will get names descrptions , dates an facts to relate to you. also i will remove this from you competly an put a protection of shiled on you so that no one or nothing can cause this to you again. now this will cost because i will need to work with vision candles that help me see everthing. i need to each candle is $10 dollars in your case we need 7 of those candles so all togeather this will cost $70 dollars to do. i will be able to tell you whether you an this women met in a past life an if so what happened in that past life as you were together..... You need to be back on the right path an this is the only way to get you back on the right track again...." " ok" "Would you like to start this today because i can get on this tonight....." "what do I need to do" "I will need you to pay for the candles which are $70 dollars like through an email reading...... then i can start this tonight an will need to speak with you tomorrow to let you know what i was able to pick up......"

I love this one because at first it will take three to nine days of meditation on the part of this 'psychic', but get in touch the next day to see the answer. I hope anyone reading this will find these scams as amusing as I have. Spells do not work. Anyone who believes they do, is crossing over to the dark side.


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