April 03, 2008

The Benefits Of Psychic Advice

Have you ever wonder why a person might consult a psychic. I mean what is it that a psychic reading provides that really benefits anyone? From personal experience I believe I can truly answer that question. Psychic readings provide a format for many people to voice their inner concerns about life, love, relationships, and spiritual concerns. It allows individuals who would not normally seek counsel on these subjects to talk openly and freely without the fear or anxiety society places on traditional counseling

Talking with a psychic reader about issues and concerns in your life can really be a spiritually freeing experience. These readings sometimes awaken lost memories and emotions that one needs to work through to achieve progress in their lives. Whether you believe psychic abilities exist or not is irrelevant as the healing power of communicating your true inner thoughts, emotions, and ideas is often enough to provide closure on past events or open new doors to the future.

Some people say that psychics are just charlatans who prey on the innocent or weak minded. Others dismiss psychic phenomenon via scientific reasoning. But the select few who choose to talk with a true spiritualist will tell you the experience was worth more than money. This is probably because it allowed them to gain closure and move forward in their lives.

Whether you consult a psychic to get spiritual advice about your future or to gain closure on your past one thing you can count on is that it will change your life for the better. What I mean is confiding in another human being your deepest fears, hopes, dreams, and regrets in and of itself can truly be a life changing experience.

Just imagine if you were unable to talk with anyone about an issue that truly troubled you. Imagine that over the years that issue got buried beneath a pile of other issues. Imagine the detrimental affect this might have on your life and your ability to effectively deal with others. Now imagine freeing yourself of this heavy weight and the joy and happiness you might feel. This is the joy and happiness that true psychics often bring to their clients.

So, if you're interested in freeing yourself from a past life or learning about your future a psychic is an excellent place to start. There are some truly excellent online psychic reading services to choose from that often offer free readings. Why not open your mind to thoughts, ideas, and possibilities. You may even learn a thing or two about yourself and the world we live in.

bY Fredeick Gimino

More Articles: http://www.article-library.net

Frederick Gimino is the founder of Free Psychic Network offering Psychics and free Psychic readings for a better today. He hopes to provide individuals with psychic insight and enlightenment into the human condition.


Improving Your Life With Positive Psychic Energy

The positive psychic energy needed to better our lives and the lives of the people around is universally abundant. Creating positive psychic energy on an ongoing daily basis by keeping a positive outlook on ourselves, situations around us, and our relationships allows us to reach new levels of success in all that we do. This is because our reality is an immediate manifestation of our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Focusing on the negative only accumulates more cosmic debt and ultimately leaves us feeling disjointed and miserable while focusing on the positive not only cancels out the negative but perpetuates a cosmic domino effect which cascades and culminates as a positive path into our future.

In addition emitting a positive psychic vibration not only reduces the opportunity for negative influences to affect us but literally cancels it out. You may think of life as a sort of bank account and negative energy is like an overdraft on that account. Thus depositing positive psychic energy acts like a deposit to bring your chakras, karmic path, and destiny back into “the black”. The more positive psychic energy you deposit into the “bank” the more you get in dividends or interest. Thus the positive psychic energy actually grows and grows like a plant from a seed.
The power of positive psychic energy is an incredible mystical energy force that opens the doors of the universe to us. And by focusing on and looking for positive outcomes in our lives we actually minimize and mitigate the effects of the negative and maximize and create the positive reality we long for. We literally cancel out the negative forces in our lives and have a surplus of positive psychic energy to promote and better ourselves.

Just think of the energy we expend worrying and obsessing about the negative. Now imagine if that psychic energy were channeled into a positive venue. Imagine the immeasurable positive psychic energies in the universe literally obliterating the negative and leaving us feeling refreshed and invigorated. The ability to do anything we put our unhindered minds to truly exists and channeling positive psychic energy is the key to unlocking our true path to our ultimate destiny.

The psychic power to affect positive change in our lives resides in us all. You too can enjoy the inner peace and enlightenment of positive psychic energy by calling it into your life to obliterate negative energies seeking to hold you back. Take the first step into the future today by negating the negative and canceling its ill effects out of your life. Planting seeds of positive psychic energy will return a harvest of bounty and abundance. So, please make your deposit into your cosmic bank account today!

By Frederick Gimino


April 02, 2008

Psychic Readings - Hopes, Dreams, And Aspirations

Psychics and psychic readings are more than just giving sound spiritual advice. In fact an action plan for success is almost expected by individuals seeking spiritual advice. As an individuals hopes, dreams, and aspirations may hang in the balance of sound psychic advice responsibility and accountability fall squarely on the psychic’s shoulders to provide positively framed spiritual answers.

Psychics that do not emphasize the need for individuals to work their path towards their hopes, dreams, and aspirations are akin to sailors throwing ropes into the water with no flotation devices attached. This is why a good psychic reading should encourage spiritual growth and the means to attain it.

Below is an excellent example of an expert psychic reading:

Life often slides curve balls our way however the most important thing to remember is that you may get knocked out of the batters box this inning but you may hit one out of the park next. Keep your chin up and resolve to never give up on your hopes dreams and aspirations.

As they say Rome was not built in a day and so is life. Set out to accomplish one positive thing in your life every day and truly see what it means over time to achieve your full potential. In a sigmoid fashion building on an ever increasing support base watch as your hopes and dreams are achieved.

The small daily satisfaction of accomplishing short term goals is sure to give you the strength to carry on and help you hit that home run some day. Also remember that baseball like life is a team sport and a chain is only as strong as its weakest link so surround your self with positive like minded goal oriented people to truly see your dreams come to fulfillment.

Once you start seeing the positive impact your short term goals have on your life and the benefits your supportive positive minded team mates provide drop that excess baggage and weigh anchor to ports unknown the skies the limit. Only you limit your potential and you can have as much or as little as you want out of life.

Most importantly enjoy life. Every breath, every second, minute, hour, and make the most of them because you only have that split second in time once and then it’s gone. Reservation and inaction lead to complacency and an unsatisfying life never stop learning stop growing reach for the brass ring and are victorious as your ultimate goal co-evolves and changes as your level of insight introspective ability and enlightenment grow.

Be fulfilled with never being fulfilled never settle for less than what you are worth because you are invaluable unique in the universe the only you there will ever be.

This type of psychic advice framework truly benefits individuals by giving them solid spiritual solutions and a means to attain them. Thus, providing a road map for the individual based on their current spiritual path choices to attain their short and long term hopes, dreams, and aspirations.

By Frederick Gimino

Article Source: http://www.article-exposure.com

Frederick Gimino is the founder of Free Psychic Network.Psychicreadings, onlinepsychicsand free psychic oracles are provided by his site. He hopes to provide individuals with insight and enlightenment into the human condition.


On The Origins Of The Psychic Abilities Test And Zener Cards

Zener cards were developed and designed by Karl Zener, a Swiss Psychologist, and his associate J.B Rhine, at Duke University during the 1930’s, to test an individual’s psychic abilities or ESP (Extra Sensory Perception). Zener cards can test many types of psychic abilities including the ability to perceive objects or events that already exist or have occurred, but are not known to you (clairvoyance); your ability to see the future (precognition); and the ability to transfer thoughts or feelings via a medium other then the 5 senses (telepathy).

The deck consisted of 25 cards made up of 5 subsets of identical cards. The pictures on the 5 cards consisted of a cross, waved lines, a hollow circle, a hollow star, and a hollow square. The cards were originally made out of a flimsy material. This material was later determined to be biased due to its translucence which allowed individuals to see the shapes through the cards. So, subsequent decks utilized a thicker card stock to eliminate the bias and lend credibility to the statistical data.

The test for clairvoyance consisted of the person conducting the test, subject being tested, and third party witnesses. The experimenter shuffled the deck of cards then selected a card in the deck looked at it asked the subject what it was and recorded the data until the entire deck had been exhausted. In addition further controls were implemented as testing progressed including the use of partitions and separate rooms for the tester and subject. This ensured that the chance of cheating would be minimized.

The analysis of the tests outcome was based on pure statistics. As the deck was constructed of 5 different cards the overall probability of getting the correct answer by chance would be 1 in 5 or 20%. Several tests were conducted to approach a normal distribution and eliminate any significant chance for statistical anomalies to affect the results significantly. For example: on one test set an individual guesses 50% correct but on the next 6 test sets the individual averages 10% this would identify the first test as being anomalous and either thrown out or averaged in with the other six tests diminishing its statistical impact. For example the 6 runs at 10% would be 85.7% of the weight in the average and the 50% would be 14.3% of the average so 10 * .857=8.57 + 50*.143=7.15%= an avg. of 15.72% accuracy. To be considered to have ESP one would have to continually score higher than 25% on the Zener card test to be statistically significant.

In conclusion Zener and Rhine especially Rhine and his wife are considered to be the founders of modern day Para-Psychology and Karl Zener considered the inventor of the Zener cards which to this day are still used to test for psychic abilities.

By Frederick Gimino

Article Source: http://www.article-exposure.com

Frederick Gimino is the founder of www.freepsychicnetwork.com/ .
Psychic readings , online psychics ,and free psychic oracles are provided by his site. He hopes to provide individuals with insight and enlightenment into the human condition.


April 01, 2008

How Psychic Are You?

To find out how psychic you are, try answering the following questions.

• Have you been attracted to the occult ever since you were a child?

• Do you often complete other people's sentences for them?

• Have you ever thought about something that you wanted and then miraculously had it pop into your life the next day? This could be something very simple such as the desire for a certain kind of Chinese food or a pair of shoes.

• When you think about people do you shortly receive a phone call from them afterwards?

• Do you "talk" inside your head to a deceased relative, such an aunt or grandfather who you feel is like a guardian angel watching over you.

• Do you feel nausea and other symptoms of physical distress when you are near a cemetery or other places where people are deceased?

• Have you ever had a dream and had it come true?

• Have you ever sensed when someone has died?

• Can you tell the history of an object just by picking up?

• Do you cry a lot at a sad movie?

• Do you seem to attract the walking wounded (troubled people such as alcoholics or addicts), more so than most people in life?

• Have you ever won the lottery by guessing a couple of numbers dead on?

• Have you ever been in bed and felt as if your soul was leaving your body and that you were looking down at yourself from the ceiling?

• Have you ever had epilepsy, brain damage or manic depression?

• Were any of your ancestors psychics?

Assign yourself 1 point for each question to which you replied yes.

If your score is seven points or less than you are not unusually psychic. You were born with the natural radar possessed by most humans.

If your score is between eight and twelve points than you are definitely an intuitive and have an ability that can be cultivated into something more. Others are probably drawn to you because of your empathy.

If you scored between thirteen and sixteen points then you are unusually talented and should explore a career as a professional healer, medium or a psychic.

An explanation of the results:

• Most psychics develop an interest in the occult very early in life, often even before the age of twelve.

• Completing other people's sentences for them is a form of highly tuned intuition. Couples do this because they are very connected to each other.

• Being dead on by giving someone exactly what they want for Christmas is another example of intuition or you "tuning" into another person's thoughts.

• Having your little wishes come true at just the mere thought of them is a rudimentary form of manifestation. An ability to manifest dreams into matter or manifest coincidences is a sign that you are not only in tune with your psychic abilities but also with your higher self.

• If you think about someone and they call, that is a form of telepathy (sending a message from mind to mind) at work.

• Psychics are thought to be hosts for ancestral spirits. If you find yourself frequently talking to a deceased relative in your head it is possible that you are a medium - a person that can channel the spirits of the dead.

• They don't call it a "gut feeling" for nothing. People who are psychic often feel nauseous or a pain in the center of the forehead or at the top of the head if they are near a place where spirits hang out. Many psychics will also feel this if they are around toxic or negative people.

• If you have dreams that come true, then it can be said that you are blessed with the gift of prophecy.

• Psychics, mediums and other intuitive type often know inside when someone else has died. This is because they either feel the connection from that person intensify dramatically for a few hours or days, or they may even just feel a sense of loss or disconnection.

• The ability to tell the history of an object or sense who owned it is called clairsentience. This means you are able to pick up messages through your flesh. Many say they feel a buzz or itchy feeling in their palm when this is happening to them.

• If you cry a lot at a sad movie, or even just any sad story, this means that you have a wonderful ability to be empathetic with others. The danger of being able "to put yourself in someone else's place" and understand them, however, can be dangerous as often the feeling often feels like love. Women who find themselves in bad relationships often mistake their feelings of empathy for feelings of soul love.

• Psychic individuals tend to attract troubled individuals for a couple of reasons. One of them is that the people who are troubled intuitively are drawn to others with healing or empathic abilities. Very often the person that comes to you feeling this will say something like "You are the only person who understands me." Also there is a principle that light attracts dark. The shinier and more enlightened you are as a person, the more you tend to draw negative events that challenge your progress on your soul path.

• If you have won the lottery, you are either very lucky, or very psychic!

• Out of body experiences and nightmares where you are being lifted out of your body are very common amongst psychics. It indicates ability to astral travel and talk to other spirits.

• It's sad but true, but many psychics are people who have hit some kind of rock bottom with their emotions or nervous system. The sixth sense is often borne out of a necessity when the person lacks common sense or even the usual five senses due to an illness.

• If you come from a long line of diviners, readers or prophetic people than chances are that you are capable of developing the same abilities.

This marks the final issue of New Age Notebook from Samantha Stevens. Please check out the Discussion Board Area off the main member page of Psychic Realm for discussions on related topics and articles of interest shared by both Psychics and Psychic Realm members.

By Samantha Steven

Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here http://www.insomniacpress.com/author.php?id=110 You can meet Samantha Stevens at http://www.psychicrealm.com where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at http://www.newagenotebook.com


Online Psychic Reading - Know Your Past, Present And Future

If you have had psychic experiences in the past and are looking for a reliable source to chat to regarding your psychic experiences, then you are in luck. With the advent of the internet, the number of self proclaimed psychics has increased many times. There are several websites that have been dedicated to online psychic reading.

You can indulge in psychic chat, tarot reading, numerology, astrology, pet psychics and many more in these websites. While most websites have live chat, there are some websites that also support live video conferencing for a slight extra charge.

Love problems, marriage problems, household issues, dream analysis, going beyond, past lives, holistic therapy and angel guides are some of the amazing services offered by the psychic reading websites.

When you sign up for a chat, these psychics will give you a brief overview of their services for free. But then to get to the main services you have to upgrade to a premium account. No matter what your concern is you can have a chat focused on that problem. It is easy as well as cheap. There is no better way to get your problems solved.

Besides live psychic reading and tarot card reading many websites also offer live horoscopes and reports. Some websites even offer you added chat hours towards the end of each session and mail you the complete transcript of the chat. This enables you to review your entire session.

Phone reading and email based reading are also supported but are quite expensive. When you are looking for a similar website, look for one that has been around for sometime. This proves that the website has a good reputation. There are many websites which are as old as 7 years and are still into psychic reading. By Rama Krishna