April 03, 2008

Improving Your Life With Positive Psychic Energy

The positive psychic energy needed to better our lives and the lives of the people around is universally abundant. Creating positive psychic energy on an ongoing daily basis by keeping a positive outlook on ourselves, situations around us, and our relationships allows us to reach new levels of success in all that we do. This is because our reality is an immediate manifestation of our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Focusing on the negative only accumulates more cosmic debt and ultimately leaves us feeling disjointed and miserable while focusing on the positive not only cancels out the negative but perpetuates a cosmic domino effect which cascades and culminates as a positive path into our future.

In addition emitting a positive psychic vibration not only reduces the opportunity for negative influences to affect us but literally cancels it out. You may think of life as a sort of bank account and negative energy is like an overdraft on that account. Thus depositing positive psychic energy acts like a deposit to bring your chakras, karmic path, and destiny back into “the black”. The more positive psychic energy you deposit into the “bank” the more you get in dividends or interest. Thus the positive psychic energy actually grows and grows like a plant from a seed.
The power of positive psychic energy is an incredible mystical energy force that opens the doors of the universe to us. And by focusing on and looking for positive outcomes in our lives we actually minimize and mitigate the effects of the negative and maximize and create the positive reality we long for. We literally cancel out the negative forces in our lives and have a surplus of positive psychic energy to promote and better ourselves.

Just think of the energy we expend worrying and obsessing about the negative. Now imagine if that psychic energy were channeled into a positive venue. Imagine the immeasurable positive psychic energies in the universe literally obliterating the negative and leaving us feeling refreshed and invigorated. The ability to do anything we put our unhindered minds to truly exists and channeling positive psychic energy is the key to unlocking our true path to our ultimate destiny.

The psychic power to affect positive change in our lives resides in us all. You too can enjoy the inner peace and enlightenment of positive psychic energy by calling it into your life to obliterate negative energies seeking to hold you back. Take the first step into the future today by negating the negative and canceling its ill effects out of your life. Planting seeds of positive psychic energy will return a harvest of bounty and abundance. So, please make your deposit into your cosmic bank account today!

By Frederick Gimino

1 comment:

Yuri Romanov said...

Positive psychic energies can be channeled in areas of love, life, career and any other area of our lives. Great post.

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