January 18, 2008

The Fate of Astrology and Psychics

live psychic, love psychic, online psychic, online psychics, psychic, psychic abilities, psychic advice, psychic medium, psychic powers, psychic predictions, psychic readers, psychic readingsYou probably have gotten that email already. The one about the paradox of our times; about how we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints, etc. Further down the line, it goes to say: we love too seldom and hate too often... Such stark, sad extremes and differences in this world we’re living in.

How about science and astrology, two concepts that until now people can’t seem to reconcile. Science and logic rules, while spirituality takes the backseat, as if they’ll ruthlessly cancel each other out once we combine them.
And then there are those who turn their backs on science and devote themselves to spirituality, claiming the Path is clearer there. No harm in that. But wouldn’t it be nicer if we learned not to favor any one extreme over the other, and instead tried to integrate both into our lives? But, really now, how exactly do we stay spiritual and reclaim our innate psychic gifts in these postmodern times?
We don't really have to discuss the weighty subject of post modernism. Of course, spirituality, too, is a heavyweight subject itself, but this doesn't mean "postmodern spirituality" is a hopelessly unmanageable concept.

Look at it this way. Post modernism is about embracing everything in our way, and even those out of our reach. It's about being open to the infinite possibilities and multiplicities of life.
There is a parable in a book by Tom Robbins, about a five-foot depression in the summit of a mountain. Catholics claim it as St. Thomas’ footprint, the Buddhists claim it is Buddha’s, the Hindus claim it is Shiva’s, while Moslem's say it is Adam’s. Geologists meanwhile, say it is simply the result of ancient volcanic action.
The thing is, everyone of them is right. In post modernism, there is No single Truth; everyone has a claim to truth. Science is true, Buddhism is true, Christianity is true, Free trade is true, Spirituality is true, Anything is true. It's just a matter of what truth or truths you choose to work for you.

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Being post modernly spiritual doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have to abandon all your other firmly-held notions about the world: the lessons taught to us in school, the commercials we see on late-night TV, the music we hear on our headphones. Spirituality is about not canceling any of those and living an enclosed life, but learning how to harmoniously accord one’s self with the diversity of the world. When we heighten our awareness about ourselves, when we open up and harness our innate psychic abilities, we realize more clearly our connections with everyone and everything else.

We don’t just have to live in a world with just taller buildings and wider freeways. Rather, a world with spacious minds, all-embracing hearts, and freer souls more accepting of our psychic nature.

Article Source: http://www.a1-articledirectory.com


Divining The Future

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Whether in movies or books or in life, it is human nature to be curious about “what happens next”, what the future holds in store. Because of this curiosity divination methods were developed, some even centuries old. There are several tools and ways to divine the future.

Forms popularized by gypsies (as related in tales) are crystal (ball) gazing, tarot card reading, palmistry, tea leaves, bones, etc.

Divination is anything but an exact art or science. People who have the gift of divination are often called fortune tellers. This is actual a mislabel, because it really isn’t fortune that the diviner sees but possibilities of a person’s future live, love, finances, etc. All these based on decisions that a person makes now. In the Filipino language, diviners are called manghuhula which literally translates to “guessers”. Essentially, this means that fortune tellers are supposedly just guessing. Amazingly, their guesses hit the mark often enough that divination became a thriving business.

Despite its many forms, the one that appears to be most trusted is astrology. There are different types of astrology but the ones most popularly known are the Chinese astrology (one of the oldest divination techniques created centuries ago) and the western astrology (created by Babylonian astronomers).
Chinese Astrological signs change on an annual basis, based on the cycles of the moon. Hence, their year starts with the first full moon of the year. The Chinese zodiac is based on 12 animals. Your animal is based on the year of your birth. The twelve animal signs are: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and boar.

The zodiac that people are more familiar with is the one that changes by the month. Depending on your birth date you could fall under the sign of Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, or Capricorn.

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Nowadays divination nuts (whether diviners or those who want to have their future read) seem to be everywhere! From the café at the corner, to bookstores, to the funny section in newspapers, to radio, to TV, to websites, and even, yes, to call centers. Psychic hotlines have been all the rage for many years now. One notable personage to get on the band wagon is Dionne Warwick and her psychic circle of friends.

Diviners who use astronomy employ a lot of math and research before they give their predictions. The result depends on the position of the stars and the alignments of the planets plus the date and time of your birth for them to feel that they can come up with a more or less accurate prediction.

The diviners of the 21st century are more than fortune tellers. They also act as counselors or advisers to their clients. They provide more than advice; they also provide comfort, and an attentive ear at a very affordable price. Your favorite diviner becomes a part of your life and at times transforms from being a simple diviner to a good friend.

Tom Takihi is the proud owner of the Discover Network. For more information on this topic, please visit the dedicated portal http://www.DiscoverAstrology.info website.


Destiny and Free Will - the hidden secrets

Debunking the twin myths that life is predestined and that it's all about free will. Explaining how the two are inextricably interwoven to challenge us to learn our life karma.....

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Destiny and Free Will - the hidden secrets

Working as a psychic medium and healer I meet many people from all walks of life- from pop stars and pa's, princes and paupers, the wise and the not so wise.

As well as the usual "what's going to happen" advise, I specialize in reading, guiding and teaching people who are undergoing the most major traumas - people who feel like they've wandered off their life path. From losing a loved one or a soul mate, to people who just think their life is somehow cursed with bad luck from years of trying to push forward and repeatedly meeting opposition, lack or opportunity or suffering at the hands of others.

In these extreme cases destiny's fingerprints are usually to be found everywhere and "WHY" is always the question.

In order to understand why the individuals have to experience such life traumas we need to look at the big picture; their destiny, life purpose and Karma. The secret is that the universe has purpose - rules and challenges. Nobody is here by accident; we are all here to live out our life's purpose, to learn from experience and to walk the path.

No life is pointless, it's all about progression, learning and succession to a higher level - something that even transcends one physical lifetime because our soul returns to continue the progression. This is our KARMA, the grand plan for our lives - the credits and debits, the good and the bad - the path we must tread. When we can instinctively 'tune in' to that karma, we find the purpose and the reasons for our lessons and can finally find our true path, to understand what's happening and why - and to walk the path in peace and happiness. In other words we can free ourselves.

It never fails to amuze me when people call up and ask when they will meet their soulmate; but of course he or she has to be no older than 27, tall, rich and good looking. And of course if they could me them before the holidays that would be great.

These are the same people who will most likely call me again in a few years in misery, married to the wrong person and unable to move on because of commitments. Another type of reading are the ones who expect the universe to deliver everything at their door and take care of everything without making any effort. The "I know he's not good for me but I'll stay until something happens or I meet someone else"

But we and destiny both have a part to play in order to move along the path. She will present the opportunities and challenges but we must continue to walk the path. The secret is understanding how WHAT WE WANT and what's MEANT TO BE sometimes coincide, and frequently contradict. Sounds simple but as always, in the simplest of things is to be found the greatest wisdom.

Consider our destined path as a route through a maze. The maze represents all of the possible challenges and rewards, all of the ups and downs, and all the people who we will meet who are destined to come into our lives to bring happiness or conflict. Within that framework of the maze we have free will. At any point we can turn left or right, go straight ahead or go back.

As humans we frequently have the illusion that life is totally free will. After all we can choose what to wear, where to go, who to marry and what color we want our décor. But ( didn't you just know there was a but ! ) in some things we ultimately don't. Our 'free will' and our destiny are ultimately intertwined by the fact of our existence within the predefined framework of the karma - the maze - the framework of the path from birth to death and ultimately rebirth.

What I mean is that if we are meant to pass a certain point, a certain key destined event, then we will. We can temporarily attempt to avoid these events and make a sharp left turn because we have our free will - but we will just eventually again arrive at the same junction having gone around in a big circle but having learned something very valuable on the way - a karmic lesson.

Fear, doubt, needing to control and other people's influence can all make us take these choices in our lives but ultimately we can not avoid destiny, and that's why the maze is such a good analogy.

This is why with these karmic events psychics often tell you that we cannot predict time with any great accuracy - especially where it involves another person learning a karmic lesson . . Having said that many will offer you 97% accuracy and a whole lot of other promises but realize that it's only the timing that is in the domain of the free will of the person, the outcome is pre destined. Let's just make this clear, it's not the better the psychic the better they can read time, it just doesn't work that way so beware..

Yes of course most psychics will see that new job opportunity arriving within the month and most will be right on that timing because its not a lesson, not your free will and not dependant on another person fulfilling karma.- it's a pre destined gift from the universe that was always meant to occur at that time and therefore it can be easily seen within a time frame. In other words it's an approaching junction in your maze.

But will you take the job...and when..that's the free will element....

The universe really doesn't care what you wear or what color you choose to dye your hair, however in these key life lessons we are talking here, where our free will and what we've learned is driving which route we take, timing is in the hands of the individual What is destined is the ultimate outcome.

Take for example soul mates, a classic "when will s/he return" question. Well the answer is when they have circled within their own maze long enough to realize that resistance is futile and that they have to come in your direction. How long will that take ? - well that's something they have a choice of. It's their karmic lesson...... What can be easily seen is that they will come your way, they have to. And it's that nagging undoubtable voice within you that knows that.

Your guides are telling you all the time that this is something that HAS to happen and its unavoidable. People say to me "oh well my lesson is patience" - no. It's FAITH. Understand that things that have to happen will happen. Don't be a slave to the timing, you have your own path to walk and many other things that need to be encountered on the way. Ultimately free will cannot overcome destiny it can only delay things but each person needs to learn their lesson before they can move forward. And they will - the universe has much more control than we realize.
What will be will be..........

The ultimate goal is to transcend our fears and doubts, to relinquish control, to be open to opportunity and to be prepared to follow the path to wherever it leads.

Frequently we as humans 'want' our path to be a straight line from where we are now to what we want and set off in that straight line assuming it's going to work. Understand that it may well be that there are twists and turns, unexpected events, challenges and also unexpected rewards.

Use those instincts, intuition, senses and emotions. We all have them and through them we are guided in the right direction...Psychics will help you because we are gifted to see so much more and can point the way and tell you what's meant to happen.

If you make a decision based upon your best instincts and it felt right but it all went wrong then realize that although its been a challenge and a lesson, its just something you had to go through to get to an even better place and without having transcended that challenge, that experience, you couldn't get to where you are going. Somewhere much better !

Wanting and deciding are mental functions that can create an alternate mental reality that what we decide to do is what really IS. That's not the case, it can and will just keep us going around in circles.

Information is coming to you from your instincts and senses all the time and it isn't wrong........Listen to those instincts - be prepared to take what life deals with faith and hope. Be brave, walk the path and above all, as I say to everyone....

DON'T THINK - SENSE ! You wont be led in the wrong direction

Love light and luck on your journey

Steve Gunn



Are Psychics For Real?

Do they or do they not exist? This is the 24-dollar question that is in the mind of most people whose lives have been touched by a psychic in a negative or positive way.

Psychics were and are still controversial to this day because certain sectors associate their work sorcery or witchcraft. Psychic research was considered a taboo as early as the 1900s that no self respecting scientist would dare do such research or keep any book about psychics.

People looked at the field dishonorably that it needed someone already credible and secure enough with his career and reputation to delve on psychic studies. This was made possible by William McDougal who referred to paranormal studies as parapsychology. Joseph Banks Rhine, a student of MacDougal, was later known as the father of the study of modern parapsychology.

Rhine was however different form all the others who believed in parapsychology because he fearlessly exposed fake psychics but continued to perform controlled tests that would help in the development of psychic research. The tests conducted by Rhine proved that a person’s psychic talents were not hampered by distance or time. Rhine’s experiments and conclusions and his book on Extra Sensory Perception or ESP made him famous in the psychic world but it also got him the ire of many skeptics.

Aside from MacDougal and Rhine, there are many people who have acquired credit for being involved in paranormal studies or practices. Majority of these people braved the possibility of being ridiculed by a world that has considered paranormal activities as bordering on insanity.

A closer look at history will however show that people possessed inherent powers to detect things and to protect themselves. Hundreds of years ago, people had natural abilities to sense danger but this all changed when humans became dependent n technology. Today, humans no longer use their senses to predict things, but rely on multi-media to tell them almost everything.

The invention of multi-media has changed man’s ability to sense things and has destroyed his inner gift to mediate and visualize things. Modern disturbances have forced man to unlearn the use of his inner voice that warns him whenever something is amiss.

The modern society looked condescendingly on paranormal studies and practices that there are states that consider fortunetelling as an illegal activity. But the critics of paranormal studies could not also be blamed because there are those who use their alleged paranormal gifts to make money. There are fortuneteller who appear to be giving you new information abut yourself but in fact, such information was only deduced from the information you gave or revealed abut yourself and your family.

Psychics exist. However, it is up to you if you believe they have supernatural powers that can help build or destroy life.

The author is a regular contributor to Psychics A to Z where more information about psychics is available.

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Different Types Of Psychic Abilities

In the swirl of misconceptions, misunderstandings, and general confusion surrounding the fields of parapsychology and psychic activity, most people have no idea how to make distinctions between different types of psychic abilities. Wait a minute, you say, I didn't even know there were different types! You're in the same boat as most everyone else who has a basic understanding of psychic reading and activity. Little does the general public know, it's not all tarot cards and psychic phone reading -- There are sharply defined distinctions between everything from the obvious (tarot reading and telepathy) to the surprising (clairaudience, clairsentience, and clairvoyance).

First, let's discuss what defines psychic ability in the first place! Extra-sensory perception (ESP), prophesies of the future, and a “sixth sense” could all be defined under the blanket term “psychic ability”. But where does psychic ability come from? Actually, no one really knows – not even psychic readers. People who claim to have psychic abilities describe a sense of just “having it” without having any conception of how it got there. Most say that it is part of their regular consciousness, and that they simply “know” or “feel” things before, during, or after they happen – despite being unable to explain how. Though parapsychology has been heavily criticized, scrutinized, and stigmatized, the truth is that as much evidence points towards its veracity as against it.

So what are some of the different types of psychic abilities? To begin with, there is the art of “channeling,” which is defined as the ability to receive and transmit information from another external consciousness while in a decidedly altered state of mind. Though each incident varies in intensity and resulting activity, many share the same basic traits: a semi-trance like state and the appearance of an outer entity expressing itself through the channeler. Many people have been able to obtain a psychic reading of another entity and consciously channel that entity – but professional parapsychologists don't recommend trying it until you've been well-trained and prepared.

Three more (related) types of psychic ability are clairaudience, clairsentience, and clairvoyance. Clairaudience is generally defined as the ability to hear or sense sounds that cannot be perceived by a non-psychic person. Clairsentience is another type of extrasensory perception in that clairsentient people can sense past, present, or future events through “sensing” them, though non-clairsentient people cannot perceive them. Clairvoyance is a synonym for extrasensory perception – any knowledge or consciousness of an event outside of seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, or smelling it.

Divination is another often-misunderstood type of psychic ability. Divination is the act of making prophesies or predictions through the practice of occult arts. Contrary to popular belief, this is different from intuition – which is defined as the ability to perceive or act based on “just knowing” that it's the right thing to do. Tarot Cards and tarot reading is a form of divination. Although the mainstream ideas of divination and intuition have been tweaked to seem like anyone can tap into this psychic energy field, the truth is that only a few people take the time to hone and develop their extrasensory perception skills.

What's the difference between psychometry and psychokinesis? Well, psychometry is defined as the ability to glean information about an object by obtaining physical contact with the object. Good examples of this are seen in countless movies. Envision it: The hero touches a book and, upon contact, is filled with images of its previous user and the fate that befell him or her. Psychokinesis is the ability to move objects through willing it or thinking it.

Malcolm Moorhouse is a professional psychic, tarot and astrology reader with over 16 years experience. Email: psychic@psychics4you.co.uk Websites: http://www.psychics4you.co.uk http://www.psychic-astrology.co.uk © Malcolm Moohouse 2006

Goddess Flight Divination: get your astrology forecasts, tarot readings and compatibility reports. Past life readings, biorhythm forecasts and numerology charts.  Free readings, free daily horoscopes and free e-cards. Tons of divination information.


The Fascination With Astrology

In the 1920's, there was a big sensation in the US. Two sisters had photographed fairies flying around flowers in their garden. It was an unbelievable event. The two gave interviews and talked stuff. It was after more than sixty years that one sister revealed the whole thing was a hoax. The fairies were made of paper. Nonetheless they captured public imagination. It was something different and unbelievable, but was revealed a hoax later. But thousands of paranormal and supernatural things remain the way they are- uncanny and unimaginable. No one has explanations. All the same, people love to know more and indulge in these pursuits.

Very often we have astrologers predicting events. Most people love the opportunity to get one's palm read by an astrologer. Believe the stuff or scoff at it. But the whole idea is fascinating to humans. Many people read the headlines of a newspaper later, but read their horoscope first. Astrologers and fortune tellers may talk in deceptive and ambiguous terms. Knowing the same, people flock to them.

Science and scientists try a lot. They never come up with satisfying explanations to paranormal and psychic stuff. Human beings are a curious lot. Issues with explanations satisfy them. But things with no explanations fascinate them. Take this one. Former US presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy - Kennedy's life was very nearly a copy of Lincoln's. Both became presidents after similar victories. Held office for nearly same number of days. Both were assassinated outside a theater near their car. The name of the killer was the same in both cases. These two incidents happened more than eighty years apart. Science does not have any explanation to this. People are intrigued by such happenings.

Human minds are adventurous. Always in search of thrills. No wonder, why horror movies are so popular. Everyone knows it's all make believe. People still get white with fear inside cinemas and dream of ghosts for next few days. Calling spirits of dead people has become an industry in Britain. You have Gypsy ladies peering in a psychic glass ball and calling spirits of the dead people you want to get in contact with. Forget the common man, British aristocracy has been known to visit them more than anyone else.

Science-fiction -a word that sums up the topic. All the science-fiction novels, movies is make-believe. Nothing is real but every thing's in a proper scientific way. Giant spaceships, alien landings, UFOs kidnapping people all happen in science fiction. Actually there's a group of people in US who claim to have been kidnapped by UFOs. They believe, they have had extra-terrestrial contact. What's true, what's not only time will tell. Now if there were a time machine to travel in the future like in the movies...

Article Source: http://www.a1-articledirectory.com

Goddess Flight Divination: get your astrology forecasts, tarot readings and compatibility reports. Past life readings, biorhythm forecasts and numerology charts.  Free readings, free daily horoscopes and free e-cards. Tons of divination information.


Have You Ever Had Your Palm Red? Online Psychic Readings

I couldn't resist flashing back to childishness and old jokes, and I don't have any red paint on me at the moment. Nowadays, you don't need to leave your own home to have an online psychic reading of your future and like everything else, you will find it online. You can even train to be a psychic online because many psychics are offering to teach you how. They “provide clear information” about the latest psychical research with news from “trustworthy” official psychic organizations with the official bodies and federations, along with teaching about psychic abilities and offer to teach you how to do readings. There are classes, study courses, clairvoyance readings practice, just to name a few options. You can learn to read Tarot cards and different practices such as Mediumistic and Rune readings, along with listening to audio recordings of the New Age gurus. Some online psychics invite you to visit their chat rooms and be social with other psychics and meet new people.

There are true psyches around, and the good ones offer their services for the good of others. Many work for police departments looking for missing people or searching for bad people. True psychics are not out to clean you out and some do make a living out of telling people their futures. There are many though that are just complete thieves and those are the ones you need to look out for. They promote themselves as clairvoyants or psychics and claim they have powers that enable them to read a persons future, make contact with a dead loved one, or tell you who your going to marry. However, they are not psychics, they just have the ability to read people well and tell them what they want to hear, and all the while filling their pockets with peoples' hard earned money. Here are a few tips to help you see a fraud psychic.

• The most common method is “cold reading,” this involves reading body language, and listening to your voice.

• Over confidence is a good warning, if they build themselves up to were they can do no wrong, watch out!

• Questions about your background. This is unnecessary, if a “psychic asks you where were you born, your parents religion, or even educational level, move on.

• Gaining your cooperation in advance. These “psychics” claim they need your full cooperation and if nothing happens, you weren't a “true believer.”

Now, you are not able to see these things with online psychic reading, so you should be very careful when paying for online readings. Try not to take online psychic readings too seriously and use them for what they are there for, to have fun and to satisfy your curiosity about online psychics. Do you really want to know what your future holds for you? Wouldn't you rather be surprised about what exciting things the future holds for you and yours?

Expert author writing for online psychic reading

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Psychics - Their role in a modern society

A psychic has special powers that ordinary people don’t have. Some psychics are able to predict the future, others can communicate with the recently deceased. Some psychics are telepathic, others have the ability to exorcise ghosts.

The police use psychics to help solve crimes, preferably without the media getting to know! The newspapers would have a field day mocking the police investigator who had to resort to a “fortune teller”

Many people secretly believe that they have some psychic ability, often telepathy or that they know that something is going to happen. The ability is passed on from mother to daughter and does run in families.

In Ireland, and in some other countries, many people visit a psychic fortune teller once or twice a year, paying fifty euro (forty dollars) for a half hour appointment. The psychic may use Tarot cards to help her. (It is very rare to find male psychics.)

She will ask you to concentrate on what you want from life, or on particular problems you are having, while you are shuffling the Tarot cards. She will take the cards and lay them out after you have shuffled them. The psychic’s ability lies in the way she can interpret the cards, because there is no fixed meaning to the cards’ sequence.

The cynical would say that she is reading body language signals and telling everyone the same thing. The truth is that the psychic does tell her clients things about their parents and children that could never be obtained from body language. It is not obvious from body language that you have sons rather than daughters after all.

Where a psychic has the ability to communicate with the recently deceased this can be an enormous comfort to relatives. These psychics often give their services without charging. They rarely advertise and their services are passed on only through word of mouth.

Many psychics suffer nervous breakdowns because of the enormous emotional strain that their gifts place on them. The ability to predict the future is particularly stressful. Having to decide how much to tell each client about what is foreseen, even seeing so much unhappiness is very painful for psychics.

To find out more about what a psychic medium can do for you, visit a website dedicated to psychics like this one.

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The Truth About Magic Spells - Real Cures Or Mind Over Matter?

For many thousands of years, civilizations all over the world have relied on their faith in spiritual or mystical powers to accomplish truly amazing feats. Long before modern medicine came on the scene, most health concerns were traditionally handled by applying a dose of spirituality, voodoo, witchcraft, astrology, or psychic power from any number of paranormal sources. One simply couldn’t get through the day without help from the “unseen” world. Of course, that was in the “dark ages” before we were enlightened by the miracles of modern science. But is it wise for people today to scoff at all that seemed to work for so many people, for so long?

In a world where mainstream religion is often mocked, it’s so easy to laugh at those believe in the powers of the paranormal, occult, magic, psychic or new age remedies. We often label them as misguided kooks or blind followers of today’s trendy Hollywood scene and counter-culture. But as humans, it is built into our composition to search for truth, and solutions to the many problems we face. And let’s face it, today’s world is filled with day-to-day problems that we strive to overcome… issues dealing with love, money, health, just to name a few. Life is a difficult struggle for millions of people worldwide who seek relief, and solutions to their problems by turning to magic spells. Just go to Ebay and do search on love spells or magic spells. You’ll find an endless potpourri of psychics and spell casters who can make your problems disappear, or bring you amazing results for just a few dollars. Think that’s funny? It gets better. When asked, most people who buy these spells will tell you that they really work… and they do.

So how can a love spell performed by a psychic actually attract a soulmate to a lonely person seeking a love partner? Did that money spell really make that struggling secretary get a job promotion and a salary raise? And what about that healing spell that cured my neighbor’s back pain? The unbelievers will likely point to coincidence, some sort of logical explanation, or attribute the results to simply “mind over matter.” But those who believe in psychic powers and the paranormal world think otherwise – there must be a spiritual or metaphysical helping hand involved.

As a self-professed psychic and paranormal expert, who has studied spirituality, psychic phenomena, and the art of spell casting, I personally believe that there is much more to this than meets the eye. Most mainstream religions accept the power of prayer as a way to receive blessings, protection and goodness from spiritual sources. Even medical professionals are now recognizing that an individual’s faith and beliefs can play a major role in improving quality of life and health. However, while many doctors will admit that there is some benefit to holistic and alternative medicines, you’ll be pressed to find any who will publicly encourage seeking answers from a psychic or magic spell.

There has always been, and will always be a stigma in going to a fortune teller, psychic or spell caster that keeps people from easily accepting their virtues. As an industry, the psychic business has brought on much of this skepticism itself. Shoddy late night television infomercials for psychic readings, con artists or carnival fortune tellers are the images that come to mind for many, when they think of psychics. Just look at how astrology and other psychic-related ads have that tiny disclaimer at the bottom that says “for entertainment purposes only.” It’s about as phony as pro wrestling, right? Well, don’t be too quick to agree.

There are more people than you think who use money or love spells on a regular basis, in an attempt to restore a bad relationship, or gain financial freedom. And these are folks from all walks or life, professions, income levels, religious affiliations and nationalities. Sure, some may rely too much on seeking guidance and help from the psychic world, but most of them are die-hard believers of the occult and would not have it any other way. They will tell you that these spells work for them, their lives have been enriched, and you are the foolish one who chooses to miss out on something wonderful.

People always ask me, “Are these spells real? I mean, can they actually make things happen that I can’t do on my own?” If spells can do what they claim they can do (improve love life, attract more money, better luck at gambling) then the answer has to be “Yes.” A spell that does what it is supposed to do has got to be real. Of course, it helps if you have a positive outlook, and believe that the spell can truly help you. But if the spell delivers results, then it has to be real. Believers will tell you that those who refuse to open their minds to the possibilities of magic spells and spiritual solutions will never know what they are missing. Perhaps it is the unbelievers who are experiencing “mind over matter,” only their mindset is narrowly fixed on the opposite end of the belief scale.

Why limit your world to just the few things you can see and touch? After all, what you see isn’t always what you get.

© 2006 KPS Services.

Katerina Guarente is a paranormal specialist, owner of KPS Services, and Ebay’s #1 psychic. On http://free-love-spells.net she offers money and love spells to clients worldwide.