March 31, 2008

Occult Magic

The mysteries of the occult have interested men and women throughout history. Even the very name occult makes us think of ancient oracles, demons and ghosts. To solve and understand these mysteries, people have invented the occult sciences, which include astrology, divination, sorcery, demonology, necromancy, wizardry and many others. Those who have tampered with the occult in the past claim to have supernatural powers themselves, but usually this is nothing more than figments of there over charged imagination.

Conjurers however, never claim they have powers they do not really have, but base their part on his or her perception, psychology, and hard practice. When practicing on stage, a conjurer is never opposed to a little trickery to enhance his presentation.

John Henry Anderson named himself the Great Wizard of the North in the early 1800’s. This famous Philippe usually appeared in a costume of an oriental wizard, who claimed he had powers of second sight, but even some of this can be traced directly to the use of magic. Bill Robinson used his skills to expose the frauds carried out by spiritualists, along with John Maskelyne, Harry Kellar, and Harry Houdini. Their targets were men like the Davenport brothers, who claimed to be spiritualists, but were nothing more that skilled conjurers.

Some of the most dramatic conjuring illusions ever presented on stage were inspired by eerie tales of the occult. Even today, the influences of the occult (reciting magic formulas, devil costumes, mysterious puff of smoke which leads to something vanishing) can be seen in contemporary conjuring acts.

The occult trick that follows has nothing to do with ancient black arts, but has been modified by masterful conjuring tricks. However, if you can master this and others like it, you will be spooking and fascinating people everywhere you go.

Devils black mark
You will need: a teaspoon and a cigarette

To prepare the trick: In advance, moisten the tip of your middle finger of your right hand. Dip the moistened tip into some cigarette ashes and shake off any excess. Hide the ashes that you used.

Perform the trick: Hold you hands naturally at your side and as for a volunteer from the audience. Ask to see her hands and pretend you are reading her palms. Then ask her to turn her palms down so you can examine the backs. Take a hold of their hands so your fingers are touching her palms. Gently press your middle finger onto her left palm to leave a black mark. Tell her you need her to move her hands apart further and bring them about six inches farther apart then let her hands and yours drop to your sides. Ask her to make tight fists with her hands. When she does point back and forth between both of her fists. If she tells you to stop at her left fist, tell her to lower her right. If she tells you to stop at her right fist, tell her to lower her right fist. Remind her to keep her hand tightly closed. Now ask an audience member who smokes to light the cigarette and flick some ashes onto your spoon. Step away from the volunteer, mutter some magic words, and blow the ashes of the spoon towards your volunteers fist. Tell her the devil has been to work on her and if she opens her fist she will have proof because the devils black mark will be in her palm.

Article Source:

Author Barney Garcia is a proud contributing author and enjoys writing about many different topics. Please visit my web sites @ Information for Life and Magic Tricks


Free Psychic Reading

Psychic readers are said to have extraordinary mental powers or a sixth sense, generally known as ESP (extra sensory perception). ESP is the ability to look into the lives and future of people and predict events, which have yet to occur. Derived from the Greek word psychiokos or psyche, which means soul or that which is mental, the word psychic is generally associated with fortunetellers.

Psychic reading implies the art of reading into a person's life and mind. It involves use of intuition and deep analysis of a particular problem or a query that is posed by a person. Psychics use several techniques such as psychometrics, astrology, tarot, palmistry, telepathy, I Ching and so on to connect to a higher consciousness, which they believe will have answers to all questions and solutions to life's mysteries. Psychic readings can relate to a person's present , past, future, love life, family relationships, ailments, mental stress or tension and general success (or failure) in life. Psychic readers claim they can answer all these questions.

Some psychics offer free psychic reading as a service but this is not common. There are also professional psychics who offer free psychic readings for limited categories, such as health, love, and relationships. Most charge a fee for financial problems. There are some other psychics who offer a few minutes of free psychic reading and then charge for anything beyond that. Sometimes, the first call is given free while the rest of the calls are charged. This is generally used as a promotional offer. There are online psychic readers who provide free psychic reading over online chat.

There are several online psychic readers who provide one or more of such kind of free psychic readings. They can be located using search engines on the Internet. However, many offers of free psychic reading are just a way to attract people onto their sites.

By Kristy Annely

Psychics provides detailed information about psychics, psychic readings, psychic medium, psychic healing and more. Psychics is the sister site of Phone Psychics.


March 30, 2008

Improving Your Life With Positive Psychic Energy

The positive psychic energy needed to better our lives and the lives of the people around is universally abundant. Creating positive psychic energy on an ongoing daily basis by keeping a positive outlook on ourselves, situations around us, and our relationships allows us to reach new levels of success in all that we do. This is because our reality is an immediate manifestation of our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Focusing on the negative only accumulates more cosmic debt and ultimately leaves us feeling disjointed and miserable while focusing on the positive not only cancels out the negative but perpetuates a cosmic domino effect which cascades and culminates as a positive path into our future.

In addition emitting a positive psychic vibration not only reduces the opportunity for negative influences to affect us but literally cancels it out. You may think of life as a sort of bank account and negative energy is like an overdraft on that account. Thus depositing positive psychic energy acts like a deposit to bring your chakras, karmic path, and destiny back into “the black”. The more positive psychic energy you deposit into the “bank” the more you get in dividends or interest. Thus the positive psychic energy actually grows and grows like a plant from a seed.
The power of positive psychic energy is an incredible mystical energy force that opens the doors of the universe to us. And by focusing on and looking for positive outcomes in our lives we actually minimize and mitigate the effects of the negative and maximize and create the positive reality we long for. We literally cancel out the negative forces in our lives and have a surplus of positive psychic energy to promote and better ourselves.

Just think of the energy we expend worrying and obsessing about the negative. Now imagine if that psychic energy were channeled into a positive venue. Imagine the immeasurable positive psychic energies in the universe literally obliterating the negative and leaving us feeling refreshed and invigorated. The ability to do anything we put our unhindered minds to truly exists and channeling positive psychic energy is the key to unlocking our true path to our ultimate destiny.

The psychic power to affect positive change in our lives resides in us all. You too can enjoy the inner peace and enlightenment of positive psychic energy by calling it into your life to obliterate negative energies seeking to hold you back. Take the first step into the future today by negating the negative and canceling its ill effects out of your life. Planting seeds of positive psychic energy will return a harvest of bounty and abundance. So, please make your deposit into your cosmic bank account today!

By Frederick Gimino


Types of Psychics

When you hear the word “psychic,” do you think of someone who sells tarot card readings out of the back of her home? Do you think of those commercials late at night for psychic hotlines claiming to tell you what will happen to your love life in the future while you much Cheetoes for $3.99 a minute? Different people will have different ideas and stereotypes regarding psychic abilities, but the term psychic serves as an umbrella term for many different types of abilities and phenomena.

Literally, the word psychic is connected to ESP, or extrasensory perception. This could manifest in many different forms. Because of the broad nature of the term, many people make the mistake of assuming that if someone is said to be a psychic, then there is this vault of information in the psychic’s mind that can be opened to reveal anything and everything from the past, present, or future. However, this is rarely ever the case.

Most people with ESP, or psychic abilities have limitations to their powers. Sometimes they can see something that is not in their presence, while others can get a feeling or impression of something that cannot be seen literally. There are psychics called mediums who can communicate with people who have passed on in death to the other side. There are even psychics who can communicate with animals in a way that most people cannot.

Some of these forms include clairvoyance, channeling, clairaudience, clairsentience, and many more. What does this mean? You may be throwing your hands up and crying out Clair who?! Take a deep breath and calm down, if this is the case because even though this seems confusing, it really doesn’t have to be. People who have an awareness of something that they cannot perceive with the five senses are able to recognize what they are aware of through some sense other than directly seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, or touching what is actually in front of them. This ability will show up in a variety of ways. So, instead of expecting one of these people with special senses to know everything in some omniscient way, ask what it is that the psychic is able to sense and how they are able to sense it.

Someone who is clairsentient can sense feelings and emotions in people, places, or things and something that could be in the past, present, or future through a sense of feeling. The clairsentient is also called an empathic. They may feel a sense of foreboding before going to an airport. This would cause the person not to get on a plane, and then the plane crashes. That is a clairsentient. A clairsentient is similar to a clairvoyant or someone with precognition. A clairvoyant can have knowledge or a sense of something without the five senses. Someone who has precognition will know something that will happen in the future. The clairvoyant and precognitive person will see the future, but the clairvoyant and the clairsentient will be able to know things about the past or the present as well.

There are people who possess the ability to move objects with their minds, and this ability is called psychokinetic power. Maybe they can throw a ball without touching it or flip a light switch from across the room: this is a psychokinetic psychic. Another kind of physical intuition or ESP is a medical intuitive; the medical intuitive can tell what parts of the body are in distress and focuses on medical issues in people.

There are many different ways that someone can sense something through extrasensory perception, or ESP. It just depends on the person who is experiencing psychic abilities and how it happens.

By Marissa Valentin

About Moonwhisper:

Marissa Valentin is owner and webmaster of a top rated free psychic readings resource website . She has been a psychic advisor for years and has the natural gifts of clairvoyance and clairaudience as well as an amazing empathic abilty. You will be amazed the psychics and psychic readings that are found at


March 29, 2008

Psychics - How to Spot a Fake Psychic - Changing the "Imitation" Psychic Paradigm

How Do You Spot A Fake Psychic?

After conducting psychic readings, numerology readings and tarot card readings for over 20 years now, I have gained a definite perspective not only as an advisor but as a client. As a client, I was been able to see exactly how psychics who are not real work their magic. After getting a psychic reading from dozens of so-called psychic advisors, you may find yourself intoxicated by the things that the psychic tells you. If it sounds too good to be true, most likely it is. You have to understand the origins and purpose of psychic networks. Their job is to make lots of money, not to help you. Granted, there are real psychics who are gifted and working on psychic network lines, but I have found that most of the people working as psychic advisors period, are not real at all. I’m sure you have heard by now that many fake psychics use scripts and certain formats in conducting their psychic readings, but for the most part, it’s really simple what they tell you that gets you hooked.

For example, if after getting a psychic reading, you find yourself feeling intoxicated almost, then they have done their job superbly. To be told that the one you love, loves you and that you will marry them and be together for the rest of your life is intoxicating. They give you hope that keeps you calling and calling until after you see that you have been lied to, you begin to face reality and the truth sinks in, you now realize that what they said was not true when they said it nor will it ever turn out to be true. You will find yourself hurt and disillusioned beyond the ordinary disillusionment experienced from your own life’s complications. You may even find yourself broke or in debt. It’s unconscionable that people could prey on others’ vulnerabilities and pain in this way. But that is exactly what they do. And in the end, there is only more pain. And the inevitable distrust of psychics.

It's this "fake" paradigm, which has its roots in the first elemental phone psychic networks, that dominates the public's perception and legitimate scrutiny is reasonable. But real psychics around the globe are out there and you should make it your business to find a foolproof way of determining who is real and who is not until such time as this paradigm is changed to ensure that your advisor is authentic by virtue of their credentials as it is for any professional practitioner.

Now you may frequent sites where the advisor is given feedback after your call. This is a good thing but, it is not foolproof. I have seen fake psychics who will have almost perfectly glowing feedback that goes on and on for pages. Perfect! You may wonder why this occurs. Simple. After you hear exactly what you want to hear or want to believe verified, well, this is where that intoxication comes in, you tend to reflect your glorious feelings with equally glowing feedback! But when things don't happen the way were told, you never come back. So, others following in your footsteps will call this advisor because "they too want to believe."

Another thing to watch out for is fake feedback. This is also a tactic used by fakes to fool you. On sites where feedback is left, an authentic psychic advisor has to have a very high level of integrity in order to be comfortable telling the truth despite the fact of what the client wants to hear. If the psychic does not tell them what they want to hear in a reading, the client may leave very bad comments and a bad rating. It's the price you pay for being real. In my experience when I tell a client something they didn't want to hear, for the most part, they don't leave any comments. The fact is, they will most likely go find another psychic who will reflect their own feelings about the situation. A reading can be truthful and uplifting without bringing the client down but you have to ready to hear the truth.

So how do you know who is real and who is not based on feedback! That is not to say that an authentic psychic is not going to have great feedback. They do, but sometimes they will be the ones to receive bad ratings and feedback mixed in with the good. Life is all about taking the good with the bad. Honestly, it’s very hard to tell. The proof is really in the reading and outcomes and developing a relationship with a few trusted advisors who have been able to connect with you and your energy and have proven that their insights and predictions have been accurate for you. But, just remember, if it sounds unbelievably good, it probably is not really true and the psychic is not real and only setting up a line to take your money and setting you up for emotional failure. So be careful of perfect feedback. It’s really not always an accurate gauge of the psychic advisors true abilities; except of course their ability to fleece you out of your dollars. Of course, really consistently bad feedback is a good indication that the advisor is probably just very bad and should think about going into another line of work.

Another point, you need to understand that even if you are speaking with a gifted, authentic psychic, you and that particular psychic may not connect that well. That is different from the psychic being fake. There a many reasons why a particular psychic may not connect with you. They may not be rested and ready to take calls, or you may not be relaxed and ready to receive truthful information or in some other way blocking the flow of what is being channeled thereby skewing the information on either side. Psychic readings are not an exact science. Intuition is relied upon to conduct an accurate psychic reading for a client. The reading goes much better when both the psychic advisor and client are relaxed and ready to receive. I personally find it difficult to connect with a client who wants to hear a certain thing. I have experienced many times my client trying to guide the reading. So see your authentic psychic advisor as someone who wants to help you and be ready to assist in the flow of information.

To spot a fake psychic is not impossible, but if there was a way to quantify the statistic of fakes out there, I would be willing to bet that most (due in large part to large networks hiring script readers) are not real. Unfortunate, but through observation and experience, I feel this to be true.

One of the Oldest Tricks in the Book. First Warning Sign That You Have Got a Fake!

One of the oldest tricks in the book and something which continues to surprise me because people are continually taken in is when a psychic tells you someone has put a curse on you or there is a negative block on you which only they can remove for some exorbitant price, HANG UP! Say goodbye, because this person could not care less about you or your problems. Psychic parlors are notorious for this kind of activity. It is not for real, the curse nor the psychic.

I have always believed that having a good doctor, a good mechanic and a good psychic are all professionals that are worth taking the time to assess their skill, experience and credentials to see if they are the one for you. There is nothing more satisfying then actually making a positive difference in someone’s life and their continued use of your service over many years. A walking, talking testimonial is very gratifying for this psychic advisor.

By Cherry Sage

Cherry Sage owns and operates one of the top quality psychic web sites on the internet today. Her main focus is authenticity, honesty and integrity. One of her missions is to make sure that everyone looking for a real psychic reading or tarot card reading will be able to find certified authenticity and quality service--to change the existing paradigm. Her many followers trust in her advice and her accurate predictions. You can read hundreds of inspiring testimonials on her website

Cherry Sage is a professionally trained master psychic, tarot card reader and numerologist. She is an author, she was a Featured Expert in the Ask the Expert column in Spin Magazine. She currently has her own live weekly radio show and continues to provide exceptional services to her growing customer base. Please visit her website where you will find very helpful articles to keep serious seekers of psychic advice informed and up-to-date regarding the psychic world.


Preparing For A Psychic Reading

To create the best atmosphere for a reading it is important to be open, honest and trustful with your psychic advisor as well as with you own self. When you allow this to happen you are allowing the reader to see what is happening and who you really are and what you truly desire out of the experience.

Being open means that you are open is two-fold. You allow yourself to be open to hearing what the psychic has to say regardless of what you are hoping to hear. Sometimes in a psychic reading the toughest thing for a psychic to tell someone is something they don’t want to hear. If the person is not open to hearing the truth then what it can lead to is an incorrect reading, misinterpretations by the psychic because the person is blocking certain energy flow and information because they do not want to hear it.

Be honest means to ask your question pointedly and honestly to the psychic what you truly want to know about during the psychic reading. No hidden deceptions, oftentimes people will go to a psychic and are skeptic about whether or not the psychic has the ability to read them properly. People might ask general questions about where they live or what color hair they have or ask about an experience where they already know most of the information. A person might give deceiving information when phrasing or handing the question over to the psychic.

But in doing so the person receiving the psychic reading is often times putting up a block, so the psychic is unable to receive the information or the information is disjointed or the psychic feels the person is lying and doesn’t want to confront the person about the deception.

Psychics with their own abilities can psychically feel a barrier in the way for them to look at the information surrounding you. An innate reaction can happen when the psychic advisor feels a barrier. Usually the psychic will not go where they are not welcomed. After all, for a psychic they have learned to respect the privacy of people and to not tread where their presence is not welcomed.

Trusting your psychic means that you trust whatever the psychic gives you that it is what it is. That they are doing their very best to provide with as much accurate information as possible about the question you asked. Allowing yourself to trust the psychic in using their psychic abilities helps you open up more, so the psychic will be able to tune into the information more clearly and accurately.

All because you are being open, honest, and trusting of the psychic during the reading, it doesn’t mean that psychics are not fallible at their interpretation of the information that is coming to them during a psychic reading.

Nor does it mean you always have to implement your action based off what psychic saw, received and perceived for you.

A psychic is there to compliment or to support your own intuitive decision making process. Not to play god and tell you how to live your life.

Being within your own power is very important when receiving a reading as well as when using the information given. Being within your own power and looking to the psychic as a trusted advisor instead of all knowing and all powerful in the long run will do you more good than not. While it is easy to hand over the power to someone with an emotional disturbing experience if you can keep your power as you are seeking psychic impressions from the advisor, it will allow you to be able to ask the necessary questions that will help you move on and create the life you so richly desire and deserve.

Alot of times psychics are asked questions about relationships. And many times people do not want to hear the bad news that so and so will not work out. Keep in mind, while so and so won't work out ask your psychic advisor what you personally can do to attract the type of boyfriend/girlfriend you want and deserve.

Sometimes this may mean changes that you need to make inside yourself. Other times it may simply mean letting go of something that is just not working.

Whatever the end result keep in mind that when you combine being in your own power with being open, honest, and trustworthy of the psychic it will create the best possible environment for a good psychic reading at that moment. Full knowing that the advisor will do their absolute best at that moment to pick up on your situation is something that is greatly needed when you consult a psychic for a reading.

In doing so it will greatly increase your chances at receiving an open and honest reading from a psychic with the questions you have prepared and asked.

Having your questions ready before the reading is an important factor too. The more detailed the questions, the quicker the psychic can target the necessary information to tell you.

Examples are: How does Eric Plat feel about me in regards to a relationship? Is Mary Jane sleeping around? What type of career will I be most successful with? What can I do to improve my relationship with my boyfriend? Does my friend talk about me behind my back and is she really a friend? I am thinking about using this company’s financial services, will they be good?

You can visit to find out more about the psychic phenomenon by visiting our spiritual wisdom section or to find an ethical, trusted, talented, compassionate psychic advisor.


March 28, 2008

What's the Deal with Sedona, Arizona?

A friend once told me of a place called Sedona, Arizona. She went on to say that Sedona was one of the five places on Earth to be of a sensitive hot spot of the world. Sedona is a hotspot for many of the metaphysical world. Each person's experience will vary once there. For some they encounter vibrations, some are able to see visions, and some can speak to the other side.

Sedona is full of psychics and mediums. The Cathedral Rocks is claimed for its Vortex. Some have stated that they have seen UFOs and Angels here. I've seen pictures and some of the rock formations look very magical. Some of the rocks have images of faces. I can't say for sure if it is what it seems to be, but many are drawn to this location after seeing the surreal pictures.

It is located south of Flagstaff. In the past many shamans and medicine men went to the Vortex for spiritual cleansing and other things. I've always been drawn to the things of this world that are often overlooked. There have been no official investigations to those that claim Sedona's magical nature.

It is documented that many of those that have come here, were healed from their ailments. Each person will come to a different conclusion. I think it's something that should be checked out fully.

By Jeffery S. Miller

Jeffery S. Miller is the author of Higgins: An American Story. Miller invites you to check out his website and pick up a copy of Higgins. It has hailed excellent reviews since it's release. You won't be disappointed. Miller is an Author, National Award Winner, Former Talk Show Host, Retired Professional Wrestler, and Inventor. Visit his website at


Spells, Scams and Other Nonsense

As I have mentioned previously, I work as an on-line psychic. I decided to write a book telling others what it is like to be so different from the rest of the world. 'Scotty beam me up' from the old Star Trek series was my motto. Aside from telling about being different, and negative people that claim to be psychics, I included actual e-mails in my book, Psychics, Psychos and Positive Energy, which some so called psychics have sent to people when they were trying to drum up more business. Here are a few of them. I have not changed any of the contents. All spelling and grammatical errors were in the original e-mails sent to prospective clients.

"Make Him / Her Desire Me In Every Way Spell -- If a certain person has caught your eye and you want them to want you, this spell can help. It makes the person of your choice suddenly have fantastic dreams, attractive feelings and various fantasies about you. One of the side effects to this spell is that it will also attract others to you. (Originally cast for $99.00) SALE: $46.00"

Here is another.

"Have you ever noticed how some people seem to have an aura about them? An allure so powerful that it's impossible to resist? It's as if an invisible force is pulling people closer and closer to them as if drawn by a magnet. We've all known such people. They have a powerful charisma that makes people want to be with them. And one more thing: they always seem to manage to end up on the winning end. These people are, indeed, blessed. And wouldn't it be nice if you could be one of them? That suddenly, others will be drawn to you and want to be close to you. And most of all, they want to be in your company because they have finally discovered the real you, the intelligent you, the kind, wonderful you. This spell is specifically designed for you, if: • You feel you are isolated, and you want that special person to love you, caress you, take care of you. • You know you are special. You just want others to notice it. • You want to be pursued - by that special person as well as friends, family and work associates. • You want to receive the recognition you so deserve. • You want to awaken each morning with the feeling you are going to be treated with love, respect, and kindness. The Love Magnet spell could be the first step - the most important step - you take this year in living the rest of your life in blissful happiness. "

I feel sorry for anyone that falls for the above hype. That person must be very lonely. Instead of looking within to change what others may shy away from, that person is looking for an easy answer which will not work.

Here is another gem. It is actual conversation the caller copied and pasted. I have removed the names but kept the entire conversation.

"there is some kind of negatively blocking you're both from one another an causing some dankness around this station..... " "ok so what can be done"

"well what needs to be done is you need to have this removed from you in order to look more into this an bring you an your soulmate closer to one another. i can help you if you allow me too. i need to go into medation for 3 to 9 days to see who or what is causing this an how have they done this to you an if this is someone doing this to you i will get names descrptions , dates an facts to relate to you. also i will remove this from you competly an put a protection of shiled on you so that no one or nothing can cause this to you again. now this will cost because i will need to work with vision candles that help me see everthing. i need to each candle is $10 dollars in your case we need 7 of those candles so all togeather this will cost $70 dollars to do. i will be able to tell you whether you an this women met in a past life an if so what happened in that past life as you were together..... You need to be back on the right path an this is the only way to get you back on the right track again...." " ok" "Would you like to start this today because i can get on this tonight....." "what do I need to do" "I will need you to pay for the candles which are $70 dollars like through an email reading...... then i can start this tonight an will need to speak with you tomorrow to let you know what i was able to pick up......"

I love this one because at first it will take three to nine days of meditation on the part of this 'psychic', but get in touch the next day to see the answer. I hope anyone reading this will find these scams as amusing as I have. Spells do not work. Anyone who believes they do, is crossing over to the dark side.



March 27, 2008

Psychic Theory - Part III

In this last in our 3 part series of psychic theory we're going to cover just a few of the tools psychics use to predict the future or simply to communicate with the dead.

One of the most popular ways of seeing into the future is Astrology. If you look up the definition of Astrology in the dictionary you'll find something like this...

“The study of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs.“

In other words, how the stars and planets line up will determine just how good or bad a day you're going to have.

If you look in your daily newspaper you will see a section that reads "horoscopes." This is where you look under when you were born to see what kind of day it's going to be and read any kind of advice the astrologist might have for you on that day, such as "be kind to a stranger. This may help you with an ongoing relationship problem." There are many people who actually believe in Astrology and horoscopes and believe that the stars and planets indeed have an impact on our lives. Right or wrong, they certainly keep the Astrologists in business.

Another popular means of looking into the future, and for that matter into one's past, is Tarot Card reading. Tarot cards go back to ancient times. A typical deck of Tarot cards has 78 cards in it; 52 minor arcana and 26 major arcana. Each card has a meaning and depending on where they turn up in a reading, the most common being the Celtic Cross, this determines seeing into person's past and being able to predict their future. There are Tarot reading establishments just about everywhere and now on the Internet even more so. Tarot cards equally rival Astrology in popularity.

Another form of telling about someone in detail is Numerology. Numerology is the science of taking things such as a person's name, address, birth date, etc., and doing a numerological analysis on these things. Each letter in the alphabet is given a numerical value and based on these values a numerologist can tell you something about your name and what kind of person that makes you. While this form of divination is not quite as popular as Astrology and Tarot Cards, it does have a substantial following.

After those three the rest of the lot is pretty much up for grabs as far as popularity. Psychics can predict the future or tell something about a person's life by reading tea leaves, reading their palm, looking into a crystal ball, using the I-Ching, and using coins, marbles, matchsticks, dice and just about anything that they can get their hands on. Yes, there are more kinds of psychic phenomena than you can possibly imagine.

And what exactly does this all mean and what does it prove, if anything? Again, like religion, nobody has ever REALLY been able to prove anything and while my associate is a psychic himself, he is the first to admit that this is a science based solely on faith.

He adds in closing, "That's what makes it so wonderful."


Are Psychic Readings For Real?

Lets face it; everyone is fascinated with psychics. The idea that someone can know the unknown, especially about us, is very intriguing even for the most skeptical.

But is it for real? Can people actually get in touch with dead? Are psychics really able to tell everything about us from our watch or some other personal item? Are the methods and tools they use such as tarot cards and crystal balls really able to forecast the future?

n the psychic world there are two classes of psychic readers. There are those who are known as “Shut Eyes” who actually believe they are in touch with the dead and can really read the minds and futures of people who come to them for readings.

And there is a second class of psychic readers known as “Open Eyes”. Open eye readers do not necessarily believe they possess some mystical other worldly power. What they do believe in is their mastery and skill in using their reading method of choice - be that tarot, palm reading, numerology or one of many other psychic reading “systems”.

Open eye readers see the system they are using as being the most important part of the psychic reading. They spend many years mastering one, or a combination of several, of these traditional divination or “fortune telling” methods. In doing so, the open eye reader develops an uncanny understanding of human nature and develops an intuitive ability to grasp the meaning of any situation and the people involved.

In contrast the shut eye psychic often does not use a method but seemingly “channels” information from another time and place. They will often say that the props used by the open eyed reader are unnecessary for someone who is truly psychic. And perhaps they have a point.

An open eye reader, on the other hand, may not have any actual psychic ability (in the shut eye sense of the word); but has developed an intuitive right brain sense of what is happening and what is likely to happen, due to the years spent mastering their own personal reading system.

Reading systems such as the Tarot are first and foremost personal development tools. By using them and studying them constantly, anyone can begin to train their intuition and develop an uncommon understanding of the world around them and the people in it.

The tarot is especially good at developing the reader in this way. Every facet of a tarot card has meaning - The colours - The symbols - The characters on the card - The scene symbolized in the card. Every part of the card provides information to someone trained in the interpretation of the tarot.

Over a period of time a tarot reader begins to develop the ability to look deeply within any setting or situation and extract a more profound meaning and message from what is going on around them.

These insights are of course not reserved for the tarot. Any method practiced often enough will develop similar qualities in the person practicing them.

While not everyone has the ability to be a shut eye psychic, anyone who has the desire to do readings - and is prepared to put in some time and thoroughly learn a reading system - should ultimately be able to give very effective and helpful psychic readings.


March 26, 2008

Free Psychics

There are several different types of free psychics. If you are just beginning to explore the possibilities that are available to you for psychic guidance then you may find a free psychic is good place to start. If you are like many people, the first time that you visit a psychic you may be a bit skeptical. Sadly, with the number of charlatans who are just out to make a quick buck, your skepticism may not be totally unfounded. If you find a psychic who is willing to get you started for free, or one who just does it because they love it and don't want to make any money at it, then you may well be on your way to finding someone that you trust.

The first kind of free psychics are hobbyists. These are mediums who have realized that they have a gift and who do not need to rely on their ability to make a living. These are generally people who have an innate desire to the world become a better place. They feel that they can do their part by donating their time and skills to those who need them.

You will generally find that the hobbyist type of free psychic is very excited about what they do. With no ulterior motive, they have no need to be dishonest with people or to feel like they need to produce results even if they really aren't getting anything coming through. These people often practice in their homes and you'll find that they have created a safe and inviting setting for you to relax in. Often, they are just happy to have a chance to use their gifts in a way that is helpful to others. You may even find that you build a rapport with the person and a friendship can develop.

Another type of free psychic is one who is willing to do some reading for you for free initially, just so you can see that they are real. They are hoping to build confidence and a rapport with you so that you will come to them in the future when you have needs. Don't be naïve to the fact that this is all about business. Just because it is business though, doesn't mean that the mediums don't do exceptional work and can't be trusted. In fact, they recognize that it is may be hard for some people to come to trust them, so they are willing to do whatever they need to do to show that they can help.

While not all are fictitious, you should always be careful when calling phone numbers that offer a first minute or so free. It will take 60 seconds just to find out your name and birthday and then the clock starts ticking. As a general rule, it is best to do psychic readings with preliminary free readings in person.

There are many different types of free psychic readings available. Some specialize in Tarot cards, while others may be gifted in the arts of astrology. It can be more difficult to find free readings in some of the more obscure psychic arts, such as the reading of runes or numerology.

If you are really interested in getting your feet wet with psychic guidance then there are way to find trustworthy people who will help you get started without charging you a fortune. With a little patience and some advice from friends, you can find a place where you are comfortable and you feel like your needs are being met. Remember, you are the customer and you should always be the top priority. By Marissa Valentin

About Moonwhisper:
Marissa Valentin is owner and webmaster of a top rated free psychic readings resource website. She has been a psychic advisor for years and has the natural gifts of clairvoyance and clairaudience as well as an amazing empathic abilty. You will be amazed the psychic information and the free psychic reading offers that are found at


Hopes Dreams And Aspirations

Psychics and psychic readings are more than just giving sound spiritual advice. In fact an action plan for success is almost expected by individuals seeking spiritual advice. As an individuals hopes, dreams, and aspirations may hang in the balance of sound psychic advice responsibility and accountability fall squarely on the psychic's shoulders to provide positively framed spiritual answers.

Psychics that do not emphasize the need for individuals to work their path towards their hopes, dreams, and aspirations are akin to sailors throwing ropes into the water with no flotation devices attached. This is why a good psychic reading should encourage spiritual growth and the means to attain it.

Below is an excellent example of an expert psychic reading:

Life often slides curve balls our way however the most important thing to remember is that you may get knocked out of the batters box this inning but you may hit one out of the park next. Keep your chin up and resolve to never give up on your hopes dreams and aspirations.

As they say Rome was not built in a day and so is life. Set out to accomplish one positive thing in your life every day and truly see what it means over time to achieve your full potential. In a sigmoid fashion building on an ever increasing support base watch as your hopes and dreams are achieved.

The small daily satisfaction of accomplishing short term goals is sure to give you the strength to carry on and help you hit that home run some day. Also remember that baseball like life is a team sport and a chain is only as strong as its weakest link so surround your self with positive like minded goal oriented people to truly see your dreams come to fulfillment.

Once you start seeing the positive impact your short term goals have on your life and the benefits your supportive positive minded team mates provide drop that excess baggage and weigh anchor to ports unknown the skies the limit. Only you limit your potential and you can have as much or as little as you want out of life.

Most importantly enjoy life. Every breath, every second, minute, hour, and make the most of them because you only have that split second in time once and then it's gone. Reservation and inaction lead to complacency and an unsatisfying life never stop learning stop growing reach for the brass ring and are victorious as your ultimate goal co-evolves and changes as your level of insight introspective ability and enlightenment grow.

Be fulfilled with never being fulfilled never settle for less than what you are worth because you are invaluable unique in the universe the only you there will ever be.

This type of psychic advice framework truly benefits individuals by giving them solid spiritual solutions and a means to attain them. Thus, providing a road map for the individual based on their current spiritual path choices to attain their short and long term hopes, dreams, and aspirations.

By Frederick Gimino

Frederick Gimino is the founder of Free Psychic Network offering Psychic readings for a better today and hopes to provide individuals with psychic insight and enlightenment into the human condition.


March 25, 2008

The Truth About Online Tarot Readings

A lot of you are NOT going to want to hear this. Not the ones who are so into this stuff that they'll believe just about anything that somebody will tell you and certainly not the psychics out there who are perpetrating this fraud on the public. Yes, you heard the word correctly. I said FRAUD. Don't worry, I'm not just going to hurl accusations around. I'm going to explain in great detail why online Tarot readings are outright frauds and not worth the time it took to do them.

After you read this article, you will understand why people can't tell you future over the Internet and hopefully you'll also save yourself some money.

I have been doing Tarot readings now for over 20 years. I have also had my cards read for me many times. Some of those readings were done by very well known and accurate psychics and some were done by pure charlatans. There is no other way to describe them. Well, here's the news flash for those of you who think you can get anywhere near an accurate Tarot reading online. You can't, and this is why.

The whole basis of the Tarot reading is to connect with the person you are doing the reading for. If you've been properly trained in the art of the Tarot, you know that there is one very important step to performing an accurate Tarot reading for your subject. The subject has to come in contact with the cards. The way this is done is actually quite simple.

The most common method is for the Tarot reader to first shuffle the cards in a normal manner. After the shuffling is completed, the reader places the deck in front of the subject and instructs the subject to break up the deck into three distinct piles by picking up a group of the cards in the person's dominant hand, be it right or left, and then placing that group next to the original group. They then repeat the process by picking up a group of cards from the second group and creating a third group. The subject then takes the three groups and puts the cards back together to form one group. This can be done by placing group one on group three and then on group two, or by placing group three on group one and then on group two or by any combination that they choose. The point of this is to have the subject come in contact with the cards so as to have a portion of their essence "mix" with the cards. This is what provides for an accurate reading.

Guess what? You can't do this online. The technology to allow subjects to become "one" with the cards over the Internet has yet to be developed and I seriously doubt that it ever will.

If you're looking for some fun and don't take this seriously, that's fine. That's pretty much all you're going to get. But if you're looking for a serious reading to a serious problem and hope to find a serious and accurate solution, don't bother getting your cards read over the Internet.

It's the biggest lie since Custer said "Over the hill, I think they're friendly Indians."

You've been warned.

To YOUR Divination Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Please visit my Squidoo Lens on the World Of The Occult located at where you can learn a little bit about me and pick up some tips on just about every form of divination that there is.


Disproving Psychic Abilities

Psychics provide an opportunity to explore a mysterious world that lies just beyond our five senses. Opening a door to the supernatural realm of spirits and other worldly phenomenon psychics hold the key to the future that is yet to be.

Some skeptics say psychics do not exist but many experts disagree. Considering the expansive collection of unexplained phenomenon, in the world, it is hard to dispute the possibility of psychic powers.

We do know that we only use about 10% of our brains resources. So, what is the other 90 % for? It would stand to reason that it has some function. Right? So, is it not possible that somewhere, in that untapped potential, resides a sixth sense?

A sense that allowed us to survive a much darker time when man was forced to compete with oversized predators and elusive prey. Only armed with the power of the human mind, steely wits, and an opposable thumb mankind was already a formidable adversary. However, the addition of keener senses or an additional sixth sense would have made humanity unstoppable.

The ability to sense, that which lies beyond our five senses, would have been an invaluable tool to early man. It may have allowed the survival of the human species, as we know it today. However, as time went on and living conditions became easier with the domestication of animals, honing of learned skills, and the ability to form agrarian societies these abilities may have atrophied.

Our psychic abilities may have atrophied to the point that they became anatomically and physiologically vestigial in nature. The genetic combination responsible for the psychic trait may now rarely appear except aberrantly, in a chosen few, whose genotype allows phenotypical expression of the dormant trait or traits responsible for psychic abilities.

Just because we do not understand something fully does not mean it does not exist. The possibility of psychic ability, in our mysterious universe, is still a plausible explanation for many unexplained phenomenon.

Even with all of the advancements over the last 100 years there is still much debate and speculation, in the scientific community, about a plethora of topics. From the big bang to evolution scientists agree to disagree.

It stands to reason according to the scientific method that until all the explanations, hypothesis, and theories regarding psychic abilities are disproved that it must be considered as a viable alternative explanation to recognized unexplained paranormal phenomenon such as deja vu, precognition, and clairvoyance.

Some scientists studying psychic phenomenon, in children, utilizing the Zener card test regularly encounter statistically significant data that suggests more than chance outcomes at work. In fact many children regularly defy the odds by scoring 30%, 40%, 50%, and 60 % accuracy on a test with a statistical mean of 20% by chance. If that were a drug trial being run and that was the incidence of death for participants the FDA would certainly consider that significant. Right?

In addition to genetic factors that may predispose children to exhibit psychic abilities human development may hold some clues as to the reason children seem to possess a higher degree of psychic ability than adults. Human development occurs in stages each with its own marked physiological characteristics. During childhood it should come as no surprise to find out that we have the highest number of synaptic pathways that we ever have during the course of our lives. Do these extra connections provide a medium to the psychic realm? Is our brain wired towards the paranormal at earlier stages of human development due to anatomical and physiological processes that are occurring during the first several years of our lives?

Furthermore, according to Comparative Embryology during the first 6 weeks of human development, in our mother's womb, we go through an evolution of sorts. In fact up until the time we differentiate we remain almost morphologically indistinguishable from lower life forms, in the same phase of development. From a single cell to pharyngeal gill slits to lanugo (body hair in utero) to human morphology we comparatively exhibit similar traits to our animal ancestors.

Is it possible that this comparative morphology extends past the physical development of the human body and into our development outside the womb? Maybe, our cognitive development goes through an "evolution" of sorts were the anatomy and physiology of our minds comparatively resembles our ancient psychic ability possessing human ancestors.

So, the question becomes can we disprove all plausible explanations, hypothesis, and theories regarding psychic ability. Not can we prove psychic ability exists. In addition many skeptics spend their entire lives trying to prove that psychic abilities do not exist rather than trying to disprove their own explanations, hypothesis, and theories about its non-existence. This type of objective scientific inquiry is tainted with bias and must not be considered credible.

Only when all the possible plausible explanations, hypothesis, and theories have been tested subjectively using the scientific method and disproved can any true scientist or skeptic state with 95% confidence that psychics and human psychic abilities do not exist.

By Frederick Gimino

If you are interested in getting a Tarot Reading then please visit Frederick Gimino's site Free Psychic Network. Many free cartomancy oracles are available including minchiate Deck, Rider, Lenromand, and Napoleanic. You may even like to get a psychic reading from a live psychic online. Enjoy!


March 24, 2008

Psychic Crime Solvers - Are They Really Out There?

Anyone who has spent any time watching television over the last few years has undoubtedly come across the plethora of new shows dealing with psychics who aid in law enforcement cases. While there are still many skeptical minds to be had, more and more serious and committed policing agencies, around the globe are turning to psychic help to solve some of their most pressing, and perplexing cases.

Almost every high profile case in recent years has had some element of a psychic crime solver involved, some with incredible results, others with embarrassing omissions and high profile failure.

In the well documented case of the disappearance, and murder of Laci Peterson, there is a well constructed timeline and set of circumstances offered by a psychic hired by Laci's family that is pretty hard to debate. In the written transcripts of the reading she offered, much of the detail later discovered in this gruesome case turned out to be eerily foreshadowed by much of what she said months earlier.

While some people are shocked, and even skeptical at such uncanny insight into a crime offered by a psychic reader unbeknownst to the victim's family, there is a long history of similar success's offered through the annals of some of the most celebrated unsolved crimes of the past century. Some of the information offered by psychic investigators in the celebrated Son of Sam case was equally as impressive, and after the apprehension of David Berkowitz, much of this information was revealed to the public to much fanfare. Many hardened, life long members of law enforcement have had their entire perspective on psychic phenomena changed through their work with psychics on previous "cold" cases.

There have been some pretty spectacular failures as well. While not a criminal matter per se, just last year celebrated psychic Sylvia Browne as on a national radio show while a crew of West Virginia miners were trapped underground. After an erroneous report that the miners had been found alive and well, Sylvia publicly stated on live radio she knew the miners were alive all along, and repeated back her earlier assertion that they would be discovered in good condition. Once the news broke, also while she remained on air that the miners were in fact all deceased except for one survivor, her attempts to back-pedal became fodder for skeptical finger pointers everywhere.

As a short walk down the history of unsolved mysteries will illuminate, there are gifted psychic crime solvers who donate their time and energy to helping society in the way they are most able. Some of the facts and pointers put forth by these intuitive in crime solving initiatives have gone a long way in helping them become a more accepted part of the larger social fabric, as well as raising public awareness of the gifts that exist in us all.

By Amos Amsterdam

Are you Psychic?

Take a Wild and Wooly Ride on the Supernatural Surfboard of Fact & Fiction.....Are you ready to embrace the mystery and adventure of exploring worlds that others only dream about?

Join us! There's much more to YOUR life than meets the eye. It's time you discovered how much more there really is.......


Fortune Telling by Observing Animals

t may seem a crazy notion that observing animals (Alectryomancy, Zoomancy, and Theriomancy) can be used to foretell ones future. But then on the other hand, selecting random tarot cards out of a pack of seventy-eight or deciphering a hand full of pebbles or seashells thrown to the ground also challenges the logic in us all. There are hundreds if not thousands of divinational systems (methods to forecast the future) that operate by intuitive rather than scientific or rational means.

The premise of all these techniques is in the belief that there is a spiritual world that parallels our own. This incredible world is inhabited by highly intelligent beings often known as spirit guides or guiding angels who lovingly aid the human race in it’s development.

The actual process of how pebbles land in a particular pattern and why a particular tarot card was chosen and not another is as much a mystery to the experienced psychics as it is to the public. However, the key to building a rapport with any of the mantic arts (articles used to focus the intuitive process) is to first adopt a frame of mind in which there is a sense of suspension of ones everyday beliefs.

More than 2,400 years ago the people of ancient Italy (Etruscians) practised Alectryomancy. By utilising a hen or rooster the psychics of those days would draw a circle on the ground, around it where drawn twenty of the Etruscian alphabet. In front of each letter was placed a kernel of grain. The hen or cock was placed in the circle. As the bird ate the grain, the psychic would note down the letters next to the piece of grain and use this to predict the future or to answer a question asked by some one requesting guidance. This form of divination is related to the Ouija board, by the random selection of letters. In contrast, the Babylonians would splash water three times on the head of a sleeping ox. A psychic would interpret the future through observing seventeen possible reactions the ox would make. If for example both eyes opened the answer was ‘yes’. If only one eye opened the answer would be a maybe, and if they remained closed the answer was ‘no’.

Alectryomancy is still practised in many parts of the world. The African tribe of Zande uses a method where by two leaves are placed in an ant hill, if the ants eat the one on the left first the answer is ‘yes’, if the one on right, the answer is ‘no’. In the United States and Canada Groundhog Day is a traditional festival celebrated on February 2. If a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day and fails to see its shadow because the weather is cloudy, winter will soon end. If the groundhog sees its shadow because the weather is bright and clear, it will be frightened and run back into its hole, and the winter will continue for six more weeks.

Cats have always held a fascination for people and in some cultures held in high esteem. Felidomancy is divination through observing the behaviour of both domestic and wild cats. If a cat sneezes, licks its face or sleeps with it’s back to the fireplace, it is said to rain, if a black cat crosses your path in the British Isles it’s a sign of good luck (bad luck in the USA). A cat at a wedding is to assure a long happy marriage. All these predictions and omens stem from the age-old art of Felidomancy. Cats have often played an important part in religious and occult ceremonies in India and held in reverence by the Egyptians, Incas and Chinese.

In the Celtic divination system of Hippomancy horses where trained to walk in certain areas of consecrated groves. Psychics and priests would then make predictions from the observations of their movements; the prints left in the ground and even the amount of dust created. The custom of hanging horseshoes on the wall dates back to the times of Hippomancy. In England in the 1500’s they where hung in farmhouses as a charm against evil.

In Scandinavia psychics of the time would meditate as they watched fish swim within a stream or lake. Ichthyomancy was treated with great reverence and interpreting their movements could indicate anything from a successful battle to the sex of a child.

The divinational system of Ophimancy (observing the behaviour of snakes) is practised in many civilisations. Snakes were considered God-like creatures and messengers of information and omens. For example a coiled snake might mean be patient whilst one that was ready to strike meant act now with regards to the questioners predicament. Ornthomancy is divination by observing the flight of birds. It was practised in ancient Greece and Rome where the psychic would foretell the future by travelling to a holy place, and blindfolded, interpret the meaning of birds passing overhead with the aid of an apprentice who would describe them to him/her.

By Paula Haworth

Paula is a gifted psychic and the owner of and where your personal questions will be answered professionally and compassionately by Email.


March 23, 2008

How To Avoid The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make Selecting a Psychic

#1 Don’t Believe Their Hype Just because you see an advert in a magazine or online that says someone has been a successful psychic for twenty years and they can help you, this does not necessarily mean they are the real deal. I’ve seen ads where psychics say they’ve read for Presidents and charge $300 for 20 minutes and yet their ability does not reflect their financial rate. The most expensive psychics are not always the best.

#2 Preying on Vulnerable People Having done over 1,000 psychic readings, Approximately 80% of my clients are going through some type of challenge. The other 20% are looking to deepen their relationships, create more success and deepen spiritual awareness. When people are vulnerable, they can be desperate for answers and will go to any psychic to alleviate their pain. I have heard of situations where the person has left the reading more distraught than when they arrived for their session. If you are in an emotional state and have any doubt about the psychic, do not commit to a session with them.

#3 A Psychic is not God A psychic reads your energy field and accesses information from your past, present or future. Do not let any psychic have power over your decision making process. A psychic’s role is to support you as a guide and a counselor so you can make the best choice. A psychic reading is meant to be preventative medicine. It is poor conduct and irresponsible when a psychic says something like “You are going to die in the next two years.” “You’re husband will have an affair.” “You’re going to loose money.” I remember being at a New Age event and this guy comes up to me. He tells me he’s a professional palm reader, before I could respond, he’d grabbed my hand, turned it over and said “Oh, you’re going to die in a year and there’s nothing you can do about it.” I was horrified. I knew his energy was off and I dismissed him however for someone susceptible to this information, it would have been quite traumatic. Listen to information however come to your own conclusions. If you are uncomfortable in a reading and the psychic is abusing your boundaries, leave.

#4 Manipulation and Power-play Watch out for psychics and healers that claim to be channeling extra-terrestrial beings. I have seen their egos get in the way. They will give incorrect or hurtful information to get what they want. Most of the time their actions come from their unconscious mind. They are not aware that their ego is giving misleading guidance. If what you are being told feels hurtful towards you rather than showing the truth of a situation, the reading is not serving the purpose of helping you. Do not be frightened to explain that the information is not true for you. Ultimately the most important person to trust is you.

#5 Why is the Psychic Behaving Like The Spanish Inquisition? It’s a bad sign when you go for a reading and the psychic starts asking you lots of questions to extract information from you. For example “Are you married? Do you have children? Are you going through a divorce? I’ve got a dead relative coming through for you. Is it your Dad, brother, ex-boyfriend?” I find the best readings are when I don’t know the client because it gives them confirmation about the guidance they are receiving. A good psychic will be able to tune straight in.

5 Tips to Help You Pick The Best Psychic For You

  1. Get a referral from a friend or reputable metaphysical bookstore.
  2. Trust your gut. Just because someone said they had an amazing reading with a psychic, doesn’t mean they are the right psychic for you. It depends on their vibration being a match with yours.
  3. Be open when going for a reading. If you put up a wall and try to test the psychic, you’ll be wasting your time and money.
  4. Are they friendly? Professional? Supportive?
  5. Psychic Checklist: Questions to Ask
  • How long have you been psychic reading?
  • How will you tune in to get the information I need?
  • How many readings have you done?
  • What percentage of your clients return? If yes, how often?
  • Do you honor client confidentiality?
  • Do you teach workshops?

I strongly recommend carrying out a little research before committing to the reading. This will maximize your connection with the psychic, confirm that the psychic is authentic and set you up for a positive experience.

By Joanna Garzilli

About Joanna: Madame Figaro Magazine chose Joanna as “The Psychic to see in Los Angeles”. She has given over a thousand successful psychic readings including celebrities Goldie Hawn and her passion is teaching people to develop their own psychic skills includes Baseball Hall of Fame Ernie Banks. Joanna created Interactive Psychic TV programming in the UK and her TV show was endorsed by Neale Donald Walsch. She has hosted over 150 hours of Live TV and her upcoming book "Unleash The Psychic In You" will be out in the Fall of 2007. She currently teaches "Living in The Psychic Zone" and "The Soulmates Connection" at The Bodhi Tree Annex West Hollywood, The Aura Shop Santa Monica, Many Paths Bookstore Noho Arts District and Vision Quest Bookstore Scottsdale Arizona. Joanna has featured as a psychic expert on MTV. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband Nick, a dog and two cats.


A Psychic May Solve Your Money Problems

Jason Went From Desk Clerk to Business Leader

Jason was a college graduate in Montana during a severe recession. There were no jobs in his college own.

He took a clerk job at a small motel and tried to save money from his small paychecks. Jason was hoping to move to Seattle where he heard of better job prospects. But his small income only covered living expenses and he could not save money. Jason's parents had spent all their money on his education and they were in financial trouble themselves.

There was only one thing for Jason to do and that was to hitch a ride to Seattle and hope an employer would hire him immediately. This would be a desperate move because he had only $50 from his paycheck and no place to stay.

Jason needed to know the future. A friend of Jason paid for a Tarot Card reading by Psychic Rita Estelle. Rita Estelle told Jason to hitch a ride to Seattle and stay with a college friend for a month. Jason would be hired into a well-paying job within seven days. Jason made the move in faith.

After six days in Seattle, Jason ran out of money and was not hired. The friend who had hired the psychic Rita Estelle complained about the reading. But, Rita insisted the reading was correct.

At 3:30 PM of the 7th day, Jason sat next to the phone as time ran out. Suddenly the phone rang and a personnel manager asked Jason to immediately interview for a job. By 5:00 PM, Jason was hired into a well-paying job and reported for work the very next morning.

That experience was a few years ago. Jason is now a well-established and respected member of the business community in Seattle. Jason owes his success to the psychic Rita Estelle who foretold his future. Of course, Jason deserves credit for his extraordinary faith.

Martha Moved From a Poor Neighborhood to a Ritzy Neighborhood

Jason's psychic experience was not too different from the psychic experience of a woman named Martha. Her family was in the lower middle income bracket. They had been renting a house that was suddenly sold out from under them. Martha's family had 30 days to move into another house. But, they had no savings to cover the thousands of dollars needed for deposits and utility reconnection fees.

Martha made a radical decision to contact a psychic. Martha was very fortunate to have chosen psychic Rita Estelle instead of an amateur or charlatan. Rita has an extraordinary gift of remote viewing. This gift helped Martha identify the exact house she was to move into.

Rita Estelle traveled the streets of the city Martha lived in. Martha was able to remember the streets and buildings Rita saw in vision. So, both Rita Estelle and Martha moved together through the streets of the city. Rita led Martha to an expensive part of town that had a river view.

Martha protested by saying that her family could not afford to live in that neighborhood. Rita Estelle assured her that a particular house could be rented for only $200 a month. Rita said that she was in front of a blue-gray house that had not yet been put up for rent. The owner had just refurbished the house and was desperate to collect rent.

That very day Martha and her husband followed the path Rita Estelle had given in vision. They wound their way down to the river and arrived at a blue-gray house. A construction team was leaving. An elderly woman was sweeping up sawdust and plaster chips. This woman was the owner. She was very happy to hear that Martha's husband was a gardener and handyman. The owner offered the house for only $200 if Martha's husband landscaped the yard and worked as a handyman on other rentals. Plus, there was no deposit required and no utility reconnection fees.

When You Know The Future, You Can't Lose

Psychics can give excellent advice when a person has money problems. They are able to give excellent advice by virtue of foretelling the future. If there is one thing that can make the difference between wealth and poverty, it is the ability to tell the future. This ability takes the gamble out of decisions.

The Rich & Famous Have The Psychic Advantage

It has been said that billionaire businessmen like Donald Trump have psychics on retainer in order to advise about investments. Psychic counseling may be the advantage that successful businessmen have over unsuccessful businessman.

If the rich and famous are smart enough to use psychics, it makes sense that working people and small businessmen would be smart to do the same.

The rich have an advantage in finding gifted psychics. They can hire many psychics in order to sort through them and identify the truly gifted ones. These gifted psychics can provide the hard facts that businessmen need. There is no room for ambiguity when it comes to impatient businessmen.

How to Find A Real Psychic

The average person cannot afford to hire innumerable psychics in order to cull out the gifted ones. When a customer seeks psychic advice from a psychic company, he will probably have a psychic assigned to him who is not gifted. The reading may be a total waste of money. It may even result in a financial disaster.

If a psychic is truly gifted, she/he probably has a personal website and/or an office in a building. Her excellent reputation has translated into a steady income and financial independence. She would not work for a business that employees dozens of psychics. Chances are that people who work for such companies are not especially gifted psychics.

This is where I recommend psychic Rita Estelle. She has a record of successful readings that are testified to on her website at You do not need to go through a culling process in order to find a real psychic. You do not need to pay the prices charged to billionaire businessmen.

One of the reasons average people do not use psychic help is the vilification that psychics have suffered. It is true that there are many amateurs and charlatans in the psychic field. Some unscrupulous businessmen capitalize on the need the public has for psychics. They hire in people who do not have the psychic gift. These people read to customers from photocopied text that was carefully designed by corporate lawyers. These businessmen essentially trick customers into bogus readings and then use ruthless means to collect exorbitant fees.

A person would be wise to avoid psychic businesses like this and deal directly with an individual psychic like Rita Estelle.

The Honorable & Biblical History of Psychics

There is no good reason to vilify psychics. You should not think of them as fakes and hustlers. Psychics have an honored history. They are heroes in the Bible. In the Bible they are called high priests, prophets and wise men. Today, we call this same type of person a psychic or a Tarot Card reader.

Enoch was the first member of the occult. He was a genius who combined astronomy, astrology, geography, advanced mathematics, geometry and prophecy. God was so happy with the work Enoch did that the man was taken to Heaven.

The three magicians (magi) who visited baby Jesus were like Enoch. Today we would say they were members of the occult. They used their knowledge of astronomy, astrology and prophecy to recognize the birth date and place of Jesus Christ, the King of Kings.

Joseph was a psychic who interpreted dreams for Pharaoh. Pharaoh had other psychics but they were not privy to the dreams God was giving.

There were many prophets who served the nations of Israel and Judah. There seems to be two kinds of prophets. The highest order of prophets would be men who were spoken to by God. There was not any psychic gift involved. Lower orders of prophets are people who have psychic gifts.

A prophet named Baalim personified unscrupulous businessmen who exploit the psychic industry. Baalim used his psychic ability in order to get rich. He was torn by his greed for money and his obligation to serve God. This is the dilemma we observe in the psychic industry today. There are predators who find the psychic industry an easy way to hustle the public. You would be smart to avoid the hustle by using a real psychic like Rita Estelle. Then, stick with her.

The high priest was similar to a Tarot Card Reader. He used objects as the means to communicate with God. The high priest carried two gemstones called the Urim and Thummin. When the priest judged court cases, he held the divining stones in his fingers. God gave verdicts to the priest through the stones. This process is similar to the utilization of Tarot Cards.

Psychics may use crystal balls instead of Urim and Thummin gemstones. Other psychics use Tarot Cards in place of Urim and Thummin gemstones.

The early Church had many prophets and prophetesses. It is natural for any given group of people to have a few gifted prophets/prophetesses among them. In American society, the gift of prophecy has been vilified and suppressed. That is why prophets and prophetesses are not commonly serving congregations and communities.

At the end of the Bible, we read about three prophets who have a profound affect on world civilization. Bear in mind that John, the author of the Book of Revelation, was a man who could see the future in vision. If John were alive today, he might be called a psychic. Two of the prophets in Revelation are called the Two Witnesses. These are the good prophets. The other prophet is called the False Prophet. He is an evil man who uses trickery in order to come off as a real prophet. We can associate him with unscrupulous businessmen who employ charlatans. He advertises them to be real psychics.

The point is that gifted psychics are not villains. On the contrary, they are modern versions of honorable personages in the Bible. They are God's blessing to you if you will only utilize their supernatural abilities.

These modern-day prophets offer invaluable service to you by virtue of their ability to tell your future. When you know your future, you can not help but make wise decisions. You can win in romance, in love, on your job and in your business.

In my opinion, a psychic reading by a gifted psychic like Rita Estelle would be the wisest investment a person could make. When a person is having severe money problems, this is especially true. And a reading is affordable because the cost is pocket money to most people.

Excellent testimonials for Psychic Rita Estelle are at

Article by Brandy Connery,

(c) COPYRIGHT You can use this article but it cannot be changed. The identity of psychic Rita Estelle cannot be changed.


March 22, 2008

The Tools Of Psychics

When it comes to psychics, there is a whole range of tools that can be used. It is worth noting that these tools can be used by anyone, whether or not they have a psychic gift, and so you must be aware of the tools that are being used and whether or not the person using them has the gift. Although these tools can be used by anyone they only produce meaning and real messages to those with psychic gifts.

Tarot Cards

There are many different decks of Tarot Cards that might be used during a reading. There are many different cards in general that a psychic can use to do a reading or to clarify things that have already been read. These are also Rune Cards, Medicine Cards, Karma Cards, or the Phoenix Deck. A talented and gifted psychic can also use a regular deck of playing cards to do a reading. The cards that are used will have symbols that are drawings, paintings, numbers or even words, and these will be interpreted based on a number of different things, including the symbols, the order they appear, and the order the cards are laid out.


In Astrology, a psychic will look at the way that the planets and stars are aligned in the different constellations and use these alignments to do a reading for you based upon certain things in your life, namely the astrology during the month, date and even the time at which you were born. These readings can predict the different characteristics you will have as well as the tendencies you will have, and also can predict events that will happen to you.


Another tool that the psychic has is that of the reading of numbers. Different letters and numbers will align in different ways to give the psychic an idea of the different kinds of readings he or she can provide you with. Most of the time, the numbers that are used are from the person’s name and birthday. Using these numbers, different events can be predicted.


Runes are relics from ancient times. There are a few types of Runes that are used, which are mainly Nordic and Celtic. Runes are stones or squares that are inscribed with old symbols, and the psychic will use them to do your reading.

I Ching

I Ching is an ancient oracle from China that is used by having three coins thrown six times. This forms what is called a hexagram, which is made up of lines that are solid and broken. There is a meaning that is formed from the hexagram, and then the psychic will look up the meaning in a reference book, and provide a personal message to the client.

Reading Of Palms

Reading of palms, called palmistry, is the specialized skill of reading the lines in a person’s hand. A psychic that knows what the lines symbolize and mean can make predictions about our present and future, as well as tell us about our past.


The word Scrying means “to reveal”. This is a very ancient art of being a clairvoyant, or clear seeing. The psychic will concentrate on a very reflective surface until they see visions in it. This can be a crystal ball, water in a bowl, or a mirror.


The last tool of the psychics is called Dowsing. This is using a forked stick, a pendulum, or even a metal rod to point towards yes or no answers.

By Marissa Valentin

About Moonwhisper:
Marissa Valentin is owner and webmaster of a top rated free psychic readings resource website . She has been a psychic advisor for years and has the natural gifts of clairvoyance and clairaudience as well as an amazing empathic abilty. You will be amazed the psychics and psychic readings that are found at


Lake Oswego's Dog Psychic

In the attractive city of Lake Oswego, Oregon, Rita Sandler is listening to a dog. But it's not the bark she hears; Sandler claims to be a dog psychic, who can channel what our four-legged friends have to say and communicate it to the owners.

This doggy style Dr Doolittle holds consultations once a month in West Linn, near Lake Oswego, and also has a Cable 11 show called "Wise Woman Way", which airs once a week.

The dog physic's readings last about 10 minutes, cost owners US$15 (£7.50) and currently take place at "Bone-Jour GourMutt Bakery and Boutique", a kind of dog cafe that makes the finest doggie treats and cakes "using only the highest quality ingredients" which have been approved by vets.

Local vet, Emily Stuart, is sceptical of Sandler's abilities, although she sees the dog reading as harmless: "I have a hard time, as someone with a scientific background, truly believing in the psychic stuff," Stuart said. "I think the folks who do it are relatively interpretive in reading how you word things, or your body language, and they make open-ended statements that you can read into."

As one of Oregon's most affluent areas, it's perhaps not surprising that there is a market for gourmet dog food, and despite the vet's scepticism, demand is rising for Sandler's readings, and dog owners in nearby areas are hoping that she may start visiting homes and perhaps hotels in Lake Oswego to give readings there in order to help them too decipher their canine's deepest thoughts.

Dog psychics are of course also found outside of Oregon, and a quick search on the internet reveals all manner of psychic pet readers, who claim to be able to tell us what our dogs, cats, horses, even hamsters are thinking and feeling. However, there is a great deal of scepticism over whether it is really possible to read the thoughts of animals. Many claim the practise to be a hoax; known as "cold reading" where the psychic throws out all manner of names and scenarios until a member of the audience responds, and they then hone in on the often vulnerable individuals, telling them what they want to hear. Others people truly believe that such readings are genuine, and indeed are very grateful to be able to know and understand what their pets are saying.

Whether it's really possible to read the minds of animals or not, is yet to be proved or disproved; however, it seems that there are plenty of pet owners the world over who are willing to believe that the telepathic abilities of animal psychics, like Rita Sandler, is very much the genuine article.

By Elisha Burberry

Elisha Burberry is an online, freelance journalist and keen traveller and watersports enthusiast. Originally from Scotland, she now resides in London.


March 21, 2008

Psychic Scams - Part I

Of course you can debate whether or not any psychic isn't really a scam artist, as nobody has ever proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that people really do have psychic ability. However, assuming that there are true psychics in the world, then how do you tell the real ones from the ones who are just out to take your money?

In all honesty, it isn't easy to tell when you are being scammed as most of the scammers are very well trained in the area of the occult that they specialize in.

In other words, they know just enough to sound convincing and legitimate. This makes it all the harder to pick out the cheats. There are, however, some things to look out for.

One thing is the price you are charged for the service and whether or not the psychic tries to get you to have future readings and how hard they may push for this. A legit psychic, depending on how well known they are, will probably do a reading for somewhere between $15 and $100 for a half hour reading. Most really legitimate ones are at the lower end of the price range. They try to give you a lot of value for your money and this is commendable. However, there are those who charge as much as $300 to $1000 for that same half hour reading. At the end they say that there is still more that they need to tell you but they don't have the time in one reading. They then suggest that you make another appointment. For the most part, these psychics are the scam artists and need to be avoided at all costs. Before you agree to a reading ask what it will cost. This will give you a pretty good idea if it's legit or not.

Another form of a psychic scam, and this is really subtle, is to advertise to people who have been the victim of a psychic scam. They put in the ad that if you have been the victim of a psychic scam that you should come to see them and they will work with you for as long as it takes to get your self confidence back. This is known as psychic dependency and is just the worst kind of psychic scam as it prays on the insecurities of the poor people who have already been scammed. Any time you see an ad like this, more likely than not, it has been posted by someone running a scam.

Then we have the phone scams. These are where you call up a 900 number to get some kind of reading by some well known psychic. In truth, on the other end is just a person who has been set up with a phone by the phone company. The scammer's job is to keep the unsuspecting victim on the phone for as long as possible as they are being billed by the minute and the charges are astronomical. Most of these scammers are just very good actors and incredibly skilled at keeping people intrigued.

Of course there are other scams that we'll cover in future articles. These are the ones to be most on the lookout for. By knowing what to look for you can avoid being a victim of a psychic scam.