March 05, 2008

Psychics and Automatic Writing

Psychics use various methodologies to bring out their psychic energy and describe it to others. One of these is called automatic writing. If you have psychic abilities, or are in the process of developing them, automatic writing is another way to get guidance from the higher planes.

Automatic writing requires you to completely surrender your ego to your spiritual guides. In effect, you are lending them your hand to write. To achieve this, you need to be relaxed or in a trancelike state. It often happens easiest the first thing in the morning, before the stress of the day makes it’s way into your subconscious. Sit comfortably at a desk or writing table and use your own form of meditation to achieve this.

When you feel very relaxed, pick up a pen and place it gently to paper as if you intend to write. Many find it helpful to keep their eyes gently closed. Now imagine your higher self traveling down your arm and taking over your hand. Allow it to happen. Visualize your higher self taking over your hand and writing its message for you. Assure your hand doesn’t lock by allowing it to scribble gently but without direction. Let the pen flow as it wants to. All the while, imagine your higher self is doing the writing.

The objective here is to let your subconscious take over your hand and write to you from the unconscious plane. When it happens you will feel your handwriting without your conscious direction.

This technique can be very exciting and insightful, but it takes a patient and receptive person to develop it. If you think you are that type, practice this for 25 to 30 minutes 3 times a week. The more you practice, the more likely you are to succeed.

It can’t be stressed enough how important patience is to success in automatic writing. Some of our foremost psychics practiced for years before feeling any significant tug at their hands. Then it takes even more patient practice to get good at it; to get more than just stray words, phrases or names written.

Some psychics have a natural talent for automatic writing and the words flow from them the instant they attempt it…sometimes, when they aren’t even trying! Messages and even long letters come through during automatic writing.

Automatic writing is not the same as inspirational writing, but it is related. In the latter, you attempt to guide the conversation with your higher self by asking it a specific question. You start the session by consciously writing down the question or need for counsel.

Then, after a short meditation for relaxation, imagine that your higher self is writing out the answer. It may feel awkward at first, but keep writing. Soon the answers flow and the more you write, the more inspired you become. The solutions will just flow through your mind, down your arm, out of your pen and onto the paper.

Give automatic or inspirational writing a try. Great inspiration often comes through with these methods. Who knows what will inspire you?

By Michael Russell

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Psychics

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