Jeane Dixon- Psychic to The Stars
Jeane Dixon is one of America’s most famous psychics. Born in 1918, Ms. Dixon rose to national prominence as a psychic after President John F. Kennedy’s death in 1963 when it became known that she had predicted this event 11 years before. This seven-time author was the psychic advisor to many celebrities, including President Ronald and Nancy Reagan.
Controversy continues to surround her, even after her death in January of 1997, as many continue to question the truth of her Kennedy prediction. According to the story, Jeane Dixon predicted this back in 1952 when Kennedy was still a Senator. She had a vision while at a church near her home in Washington. She didn’t have a name, but she knew a young, blue-eyed man, whom she knew to be the President inaugurated in 1960, would be assassinated while in office.
Critics say the prediction was vague, at best. They cite the quote from an interview a few years later, “As for the 1960 election, Mrs. Dixon thinks it will be dominated by labor and won by a Democrat. But he will be assassinated or die in office though not necessarily in his first term”. (Parade, 1956) In addition, a more recent prediction by Ms. Dixon in 1960 had Richard Nixon winning the presidency.
But in 1963 Kennedy was President and Jeane Dixon began having disturbing premonitions about his safety. She tried, to no avail, to contact him and warn him of the danger she saw. And, of course, on November 22 that same year, he was shot to death during a parade appearance in Dallas, TX.
And the legend continues. Five years later she was taking questions after a talk at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. When asked about Robert Kennedy’s chances of being president she replied, “He will never become President of the United States because of a tragedy right here in this hotel”. A week later Robert Kennedy was shot at a rally at the Ambassador Hotel celebrating his win of the California primary. He died the following day.
She is known as the “Psychic to the Stars” because of her immense popularity amongst the rich and famous. The Reagans were often hounded about their use of psychics to set the President’s schedule. Jeane Dixon was their psychic of choice early in his presidency, but later switched alliances to one of her rivals, Joan Quigley.
Jeane Dixon’s popularity grew when a biography written by Ruth Montgomery became a best seller in 1965. “A Gift of Prophecy: the Phenomenal Jean Dixon”, told of hundreds of accurate predictions she made over the years. This made her in great demand as a lecturer and it was around this time she started her highly successful syndicated horoscope column, which was eventually printed in newspapers all over the world.
No psychics are ever perfect. All have faulty predictions. A respected mathematician, John Allen Paulos, who coined the phrase, the “Jeane Dixon Effect”, measured Jeane’s imperfect predictions. This is where psychics prove a few accurate predictions and forget about the hundreds that never come true.
Some of her more notable failures include: 1) World War III would begin in 1958, 2) a cure for cancer would be found in 1967, 3) Richard Nixon would be a good president and Barry Goldwater would be vindicated and 4) the Russians would land on the moon first.
Jeane Dixon led a colorful life and gave us something to think about with some of her predictions. She’ll remain one of the most well-known psychics in modern history.
Michael Russell Article Source: | ![]() |
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