February 12, 2008

Psychic Detectives - Did They Know The Butler Did It?

As I studied references for this topic, I found as much disparity between the factions as I did when I was researching my first article, Depictions of the Telekinetic, but without nearly as much profanity.

When I looked at the bigger picture, it was interesting to note that the point and counterpoint were not always addressing the exact same issue.

The skeptics state that there has never been any proof that psychic detectives have ever solved a mystery. One article went on to make a list of all the missing people that psychics have helped locate: None! All of this is true.

There will never be a criminal court where the prosecution presents testimony solely based on a psychic's powers, visions or intuition. The fact is that only hard irrefutable evidence will convict or exonerate a person accused of a heinous crime.

But this is where the psychic detectives come in - finding that proof! I have seen numerous documentaries where psychics are used to help detectives solve crimes for which clues have run out or the trail has gone cold. In none of these instances did the psychic detective actually point to a suspect, claiming they are guilty and have the case go to court on that flimsy evidence. In all cases presented, the psychics have only helped detectives find clues or evidence that have escaped previous searches; or their visions can give detectives a new direction or different track to follow to conclusion. The psychics do not solve the crime for law enforcement.

Even in our pop culture, art imitates life. From the telepaths in Babylon 5 and Star Trek to P.I. Elizabeth Chase in Martha C. Lawrence's novels, the psychics are called in to assist the authorities find what they need to secure a conviction, but rarely are their powers subjected to the scrutiny of a court of law and cross-examination.

The fear of being convicted exclusively on the basis of a psychic's abilities is irrational. Due process with verifiable evidence will always usurp any esoteric or arcane power, no matter how accurate that ability is.

In conclusion, the psychic detective knew the butler did it, but now he/she has to prove it!

By Alan G. Scott

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